
CLO Suppliers and Manufacturers
Does CLO have a database of suppliers and manufacturers who can help me turn my ideas (on CLO) into prototype and then a product line?
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Free/release grading point
When I graded some of my patterns, some of the curve points were free grading to keep the curve shape, but some got a zero grade on the X and Y axes, which I did not assign. How do I release the gr...
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Piping not exporting to blender properly
Hi there,  I am having trouble importing my garment with piping to Blender. I have changed the particle distance to 1 for the piping and 5 for the overall garment but it still imports with black pa...
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DIY fabric kit?
Hi all! I was wondering if anybody knew of any devices that can measure fabric data points to be entered into clo for realistic simulation? I was instructed by clo to buy the enterprise license ...
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Move points
Hey, I want to move points all both pattern and even though the pattern is symmetrical just 2 of them move. Also, it is not highlighted in blue. The picture below is an example of what I want to do.
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Inquiry Regarding Missing UV Representation for Pattern Thickness in CLO
Hello, I have a question regarding the side mesh UV of patterns expressed with thickness. I found a post in the Q&A section where someone seems to have experienced a similar issue. ( https://suppor...
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How do I make several graded pattern pieces fit together perfectly?
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Imported gltf file not showing in editor
Why  I don't see in the main option import/export gltf file? How can I fix this?   Thanks
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Bad Obj Topstitch Mesh Generated
Hi, I am having issues with the OBJ version of topstitching in this bag that I am recreating. As you can see in the image, the mesh in some parts of the topstitch is badly generated, where it loses...
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Can't open CLO on my computer
I have downloaded the app, but it's just buffering. When I try to logon it's buffering until it says there has been a problem. 
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분명히 무료체험후 해지되도록 해지해놓았는데 결제가되었어요
안녕하세요 무료체험후 해지되도록 해지 신청해놓았는데 해지가 안된 것 같습니다. 죄송하지만 방금 결제되었고, 아예 사용하지 않았으니 환불 요청드리겠습니다. 부탁드립니다..감사합니다.
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imported an AI file have dot
I've imported an AI file, but it's generating a lot of dots. How can I convert these dots into lines, similar to the ones on the left that were created using Clo3D? I want to maintain the original ...
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Sewing render issue
I cannot figure out why or how to get the render of the sewn lines to connect even when rendering. Is this because it is an internal line sewn to a pattern outline? You can see both of the lines in...
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Imprimir tallas en cada patrón
Al momento de imprimir en plotter, quisiera que todos los patrones tengan su respectiva talla. ahora solo puedo imprimir con la talla base, pero quisiera que todos los patrones de diferentes tallas...
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너무 잘 이용하고 있습니다. 다름이 아니라 예전에는 저 각관절들이 다 표현되었는데 노란색으로 지금은 초록색 부분만 관절 각도 수정이 가능합니다. 모든 포인트가 다 보이게 하려면 어떻게 설정해야하느지 알려주세요. 현재로는 손가락 표현을 하기위해선 물리엔진을 쓰는것처럼 초록색을 이동시키는 방법밖에 없어서요. 그리고 목길이를 수정하고 싶습니다. 사람마다 목...
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Making Outer puffer garment layer stick on to inner puffer garment layer
I'm trying to create baggy, oversized, layered puffer garments but I am having trouble making them stay somewhat more rigid in shape even after solidifying? Is there a way to create something like...
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Does CLO 3D support Qualcomm X Plus/Elite processor?
I'm considering getting CLO 3D, but I'm also at the verge of buying a new laptop with a Qualcomm X Plus/Elite processor, which uses ARM. Although I know CLO 3D likely doesn't have a ARM build, it d...
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Qualidade do Render está com defeito após a atualização.
Após a atualização venho encontrando problemas na hora de renderizar. Antes renderizava em menos de 2 min, porem estou tentando renderizar projetos a mais de uma hora e as fotos continuam com ruído...
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Exporting alembic files from CLO into Blender loose stitching colour?
Hi there, I am having trouble when I import an animation file from CLO into Blender. The green stitching does not show up when imported into Blender even when the UV maps have been added. Is there ...
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Gap between patterns even though there is sewing?
Hello Clo Community! US Designer Support I am finishing up a mesh and noticed a gap between two patterns (they are symmetric patterns which is why the issue is on both sides). There is sewing appli...
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How to simulate accessories with annimation?
Hi there, I am trying to simulate my garment with a walking animation but to do this I have to un-strengthen my hat so it is shown in the actual colour. Once I un-strengthen and then simulate the g...
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Matching Clo's shader model
Hi all, I've been trying to setup a scene in Blender where the materials and lighting are 1:1 with Clo. However after many attempts I haven't found a proper way to do so.  Here are the steps I have...
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Cannot see all measurements
My avatar editor does not appear as described in the tutorials. I do not see the "details" section or "Total Body" section. I do not know if it has to do with the avatar I selected or if there is s...
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render seams black
I like to render this object, but I see in my render preview still black lines, if my seams are not connected. But in my 3D window it seems correct. Can somebody help me how to fix this?
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Differences between circumference measurement methods
I was attempting to take the measurements of the fabric around the circumference of the model before cutting it out, when I noticed a discrepancy between different methods of measurement. I was won...
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Knitwear is displayed translucent
Hey, I have a problem with the knitwear function. When I set the material type to knitwear, my garment is displayed transparent. But in interactive render mode it's displayed. Could you help me wit...
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Imported DAZ avatar not visible in Render after last update
Good morning, I'm experiencing an issue with DAZ imported avatars after last update of CLO software. (2024.1.192 r50093) New avatars work fine inside 3D window but when I move to the Render window,...
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My own knit patters
is there a way to to actually make my own 3d knit patterns in Clo and then print those knit patterns out? or would it be possible soon?
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Dart Legs Are Not The Same In Graded Sizes
Hello everyone, I am fairly new to Clo3D and having problem with the graded darts. After creating the pattern and adding darts using the 'add dart' option, I proceeded with grading. However, I noti...
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Improve quality of fake eyelets
I faked this eyelets by creating a pattern a sewing on to a hole, the preset fabric properties is trim-hardware, but they still look flimsy, what is missing to make them look like real trim? Thank ...
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