I was recently charged for a huge amount of money because I forgot to cancel my trial subscription of your software. It has been a very busy week due to the holidays, my job and my kids, I barely had sleep and I was about to sleep when I checked my bank account to see how much money I have to spend for Christmas tomorrow with my kids.
I was shocked to see that there was nothing left because it was taken automatically by the subscription and I really need it back. I have bills to pay by the end of this month, I come from a poor family and I don't have the luxury to spend it on your software. I was merely curious to try it and I cannot afford it so please help me. I really need that refund, otherwise I won't be able to pay our bills and groceries, I have a pending dental appointment too, and I have no other money to spend until my next paycheck by the end of January.
Dear cdb34da7eba71427f802,
We're glad to see your case could be solved over our contact form. Therefore, we are closing this thread. For anyone else finding this thread through a search, please note that refund requests can only be solved via a ticket. If you need to make such a request, please do not post to our community, but contact us here: https://clo3d.com/en/support/contactus