Missing Kid 6-18m avatar
I am on the most recent version of CLO. I have located all the default avatars I have. The Kid avatar (Melody_(7-20)) will not accept the sizes for Kid(6-18m). It says "No matching Avatar."
I have checked my default folders. Where is this avatar? I need it to make a baby outfit.
Please excuse the confusion. I am assuming you are on the new library, which will not display the size-editable avatar Nevaeh (6-18m). The avatar is a bit outdated. However, it can be accessed from the old library, meaning you should have it in your assets: C:\Users\Public\Documents\CLO\Assets\Avatar\Avatar is the path for me on Windows.
If you cannot find the assets, temporarily switch from the new library as outlined here: https://support.clo3d.com/hc/en-us/articles/38939105493785-New-Library-Beta "You can easily revert to the current Library if needed by clicking the Revert to Previous Library button."