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Folding S curved cuffs and sleeve linings on large kimono style sleeves


  • US Designer Support

    Hi There. Could you please add images of the effect you are looking to achieve. Possibly both a finished photo of the garment in real life as well as images of your 2D/3D screens so we can see what you have achieved so far

  • ca41c41ef8dbe45f29d5

    Hello, here is an example. I want to be able to bevel the fold line so it has a better finish vs the sharp edge look I can get if I just layer clone under and trim off the top. I also want to be able to use the lining for some shaping to help full in the wrist. If I add a ling right now the sleeve will pull off the arm.

    Here is a reference of the sleeve I am copying


  • US Designer Support

    Hi and Thank you so much for the images! Makes it a lot easier.

    Either option above is correct. Just depends on which one you would do personally. As for it falling off the avatar we would recommend either adding Pins or Avatar tape to the shoulder. It is likely that even in real life this would fall off the shoulder since it is only a half garment and wide shoulder/neckline. So in real life making a half mock up the designer would need pins to hold everything in place.

  • ca41c41ef8dbe45f29d5

    thank you for the response. I actually have half the garment turned off and the sleeve is sewn into a piece under the tunic to try and stabilize it. Just turning off 1 sleeve when they get big like this will double CLO's performance using CPU.

    The first cuff I showed where it folds under is the problem with how puffy it gets. If I use the second cuff where I just layer clone under, the edge is paper thin and the sewing effects the drape making it too stiff. I'm trying to figure out how to take the first option and smooth it out while maintaining a nice edge on the cuff that is a little rounded. Are there any tricks for pressing/sucking out air?

  • US Designer Support

    Got it. If you happen to be using a PC you can now use GPU simulation as of 2024.2 which may help. But if you are on a Mac this feature is not available

    For the Puff when folding that you see. I would recommend turning on Fold Rendering for the Internal Line that you fold upward. That will help to sharpen the fold. 


  • ca41c41ef8dbe45f29d5

    Thank you, I do use GPU sim. The only issues I have found with it is after x amount of time it starts to slow down and with a lot of layered pieces there are some collision issues.

    Is there any way to use isolated pressure? Can I cut off the cuff, fold it under and apply pressure to just that piece to help suck air out?

  • US Designer Support

    You can apply pressure to individual pieces, but I would not recommend that. Instead I would recommend applying Bonding to the pattern pieces. This will add some additional stiffness/structure to the pattern piece you decide to apply it to.

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