List of Contents
All Grading Sizes of Garments and Avatars can be compared on one screen.
Grading Review is activated based on the simulated results for each grading size.
Generate Data for Review
- Click the Pair Avatar tab and click the Update after creating and editing the grading.
→ The 3D window's avatar is basically applied to all sizes.
→ If there are two or more size groups, they are combined based on the base size.
- Change the avatar for each grading size as needed.
- Click the checkbox to the right of each size item and simulate.
→ The simulation result of the garment of the size on the avatar is automatically saved.
→ After simulation for each size, if the mesh of the pattern is changed due to work such as pattern correction, simulation must be performed again.
Click the Main Menu ▶ Production ▶ Grading Review.
- If re-simulation is required, click the
simulation at the top left of each size.
Move, zoom and rotate the view of the 3D window.
- Click the icon at the top to set the rendering status of the garment and avatar.
Show or hide the Pressure map in the Grading Review.
- Click and hold the
Fit Maps tool for more than 2 seconds, then click the
Pressure Map.
- Re-simulate to get the result.
Layout Setting
Enter the width and height directly to adjust the size of each 3D window.
Click the
Layout to set the 3D window layout.
Options Description Wrap The 3D windows will be wrapped and aligned according to the width of the Grading Review window Horizontal Align the 3D windows horizontally. Vertical Align the 3D windows vertically. Panoramic All grading sizes can be checked and compared at one in a single 3D window.
Each grading size rotates on the X-axis.
The Space for each grading size is adjusted
Click the
Reset Layout to return to the initial layout.
Full Screen
- Click the
Full Screen.
- Press the ESC key on your keyboard to exit Full Screen.
Save Image
- Click the
Save and specify a name and path.
- Check the option to save Transparent Background and Separate Images and click the 'Save'.
📝 Note: Right-click on the screen▶ if you click the Hide Grading Size, the hidden size disappears in the 3D window.
Hi, why is that when we grade we cannot enter figures/amounts below 0.100 ? Is there a solution for this? Ideally CLO Version 5.1.312.44058 supports this feature where we can grade below 0.100. Please help me
What is the "saved 3D state" that activated the grading review. Please supply more details.
Hi! All my garment seamed to been going fine through the grading and matching avatar process, until I started the review mode. First it looked great but using the button “update” destroyed all my garments.Not funny!