
CLO ヘルプセンター


Apple M1 - Compatibility & GPU Utilization


  • 正式なコメント
    US Designer Support

    rplbsk Macs use the Graphics Processors differently from Windows. The CPU is going to give you a better result in both simulating and rendering. How long it takes depends on several factors including, but not limited to; the complexity of the garment[s], the materials used, the lighting set up, and the amount of RAM installed in your computer. Please share more information as well as screenshots of the work. The current Mac version of CLO is developed specifically for the M series processors.

  • falmouth

    We are running M1 iMacs here and would also like to express an interest/preference in this. 


  • CLO Designers

    Hi oda11 ,

    Thanks for your questions. There is a small development group within the CLO development team for Mac native support, and they are doing a lot of research and development. There is no ETA at the moment.

    Concerning your other question, here is the list of requirements for a computer to run CLO smoothly:

    We cannot recommend a specific brand as some can be similar according to the specifications, and prices varies depending on your location.

    Take care!


  • jroizental

    Second the need for optimization!

  • breeburke

    Following..... I am running a new MacBook Pro with M1 Max Chip and 32GB RAM. And CLO crashes many times each day of use. I am tempted to try running it in Parallels, but honestly don't want to go through the trouble of loading windows on my new Mac. I am really hoping your team finds this a a priority for us Mac users. Thanks so much!  

  • tarasclo

    Hi clodesigner

    Thanks for sharing update on apple native support. For the time being it seems a pretty decent number of users are expecting CLO3D to run natively on macOS.

    Given efficiency of apple silicone chips in regards to energy consumption and cpu/gpu performance there are other companies adopting their software, ex. Maxon Cinema 4D. 

    Is there any place where apple users can follow on apple support updates?


  • c18b8da8d751145c9b58

    I'm really curious to your developments for M1. Yesterday at the Apple event with the release of the Mac Studio there's a short interview with a Clo developer. Why haven't you released a native M1 version yet and why do you appear in this Apple keynote? You can't use all the compute power Apple offers with M1!

    Here's a screenshot:


  • CLO Designers

    This appearance in the keynote shows that CLO is now developing a version that takes advantage of the Apple Hardware. The M1 was first introduced in November of 2020, Apple has since updated it and in that time CLO has been working on the compatibility based on the access we were given by Apple themselves. We cannot run before we can walk. 

  • hameson120

    So there a team developing a m1 version for mac user? We don’t need to suffering not benefit from stupid apple or the gpu things? If so thank for ur hard work , cuz im struggling build a m1 mac for this software or just use style3d or MD. Cheers

  • hameson120

    CLO Designers

  • carlossanjuan

    I would like to ask you to release as soon as possible the native version for mac m1.

    The current performance of the software for mac m1 is quite poor



  • charleslewis123

    I have the mac mini M2 pro, do I need to do anything to make clo work?

  • US Designer Support

    Hi charleslewis123

    You can find all of the CLO system requirements HERE

  • rplbsk

    Is there any improvement coming soon for MacOS M1-2-3 chips? 
    It is still running very slow when simulating. I don't think it is normal.... 
    Can we hope any release soon that would help macos users? 

    I should have sticked with windows... 

  • rplbsk

    Also, why does it not use the GPU of M1? Is only see my cpu when simulating...

  • rplbsk

    Thank for clarifying with CPU and GPU. I have a M1 Max chip with 32gb of ram and I find it pitty that it doesn't take advantage of the GPU.
    I'm doing a rather simple scene, like a shirt with wool and particle distance at 20 and the fans kick in very rapidly compare to other software were they are inaudible. 
    I upgraded from an 5 years old intel with Dedicated Gpu and the speed isn't simnifically better. There is but I'm disappointed from Clo, or macos...

  • US Designer Support

    rplbsk Can you share some screenshots of the work?

  • rplbsk

    I find it slow loading from one step to another, sewing an edge to the other. It always takes 2 to 5 second, to go back and forth as well. I would like working on more complex scene tbh. I don't know if my complain is legit or Macos users are just used some slow software not improve for this system? IDK

  • US Designer Support

    rplbsk Thank you for providing the screenshot. I have 2 questions;

    • What is the PARTICLE DISTANCE of the entire garment?
    • If you select the "Edit Curve Point Tool", do you see a large number of curve points? Send a screenshot of that as well.
  • rplbsk

    Particule distance is at 20 
    I do have an extremely large amount of point. How come?
    Thank you for all the support.

  • US Designer Support

    rplbsk The excessive number of Curve Points relates to the way the pattern was constructed [I'm guessing from Optitex, Lectra or the like]. Right-click in the background of the 2D window and choose "Optimize All Curve Points". A window will open that will allow you to adjust a slider to remove unnecessary Curve Points. This MAY help with the speed issue.


  • CLO Designers

    Hi rplbsk

    Although the exact date and details cannot be disclosed yet, the CLO team is researching and developing ways to utilize the GPU cores of Apple Mac's M-series chips. But we hope it can be soon



  • alexvb

    Hi CLO Designers

    What do you mean by "soon" exactly?  This conversation has been running for two years. I think it is legitimate to question whether the tech team is really working on GPU support that doesn’t rely on VRay/CUDA.

    To be honest, I think I am not the only one to consider that CLO being featured at Apple Keynote in June '23, and the promise of a “native MacOS app” when CLO7 was released, were borderline deceptive. I was extremely disappointed to realise that this “native support” only meant “recompiling the app so that it doesn’t run on Rosetta”, something that you needed to do anyway in order to distribute CLO on the App Store.

    Why is the answer to that question important? Because for students and independent designers, hardware is a significant investment that we can only afford every 3-5 years.  A reasonable time frame can help us take an important investment decision on whether to replace a Mac with a PC (and buy a ton of apps again), or buy a Silicon Mac with the perspective that CLO with GPU support will be released within one year or two.

    Again I understand you cannot commit to anything.

    But honestly, is it reasonable or is it hopeless to expect Apple Silicon GPU support in 2024?   In 2025?   Later?

    [EDIT Mar-2024] I discussed with Clo Support. They called this information "confidential" and refused to disclose any status, potential availability date or even whether they are still working on the project.

  • CLO Designers

    Hi alexvb,

    We understand your frustration, but the most uptodate info we can give is always outlined in the recommended system requirements article: https://support.clo3d.com/hc/en-us/articles/115000307168-CLO-system-requirements-March-2024

    We cannot answer questions regarding any confidential development processes.

  • alexvb

    Thank you CLO Designers but that page precisely does NOT provide any information regarding the question asked here, ie whether the MacOS version leverages GPU for 3D rendering.

    Considering the number of times the question has been asked, and observing how the topic is completely omitted in that information page, until you modify the information page to clearly state that there is no GPU support on either intel or silicon Macs, I can only conclude that note (3) reading "As of CLO 7.0, [CLO provides] a native build for both Apple Silicon macs and Intel-chip macs" has been crafted to deceive potential users & customers into believing that CLO provides full native support of the processor inclusive of GPU 3D rendering, which it unfortunately doesn't.

    I am not frustrated, I am disappointed. Unfulfilled promises and obvious attempts to hide the truth are just not aligned with my values as a fashion entrepreneur.
