Render Properties say GPU (CUDA) but CPU usage is 100% and GPU usage is 10%
How can I access the full GPU power with V-Ray?
Hello everyone. Windows Task Manager cannot read the performance of the GPU related to Vray usage. You must install a third party software like GPU-Z to see that.
Is it in the new test version 4.2 such a load of the video card?
I checked it myself, ver. 4.1 I have the same. Chosen CUDA, but the load is max 13% in the main loaded processor 100% download.0 -
@vadsura is for 4.1. It seems is not using the GPU at its max like other renderers, but maxing out the CPU. Hopefully we will hear from CLO3D experts.
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I checked the renderer in test version 4.2
Everything is the same. The video card does not load 100% apparently due to the fact that the vray is not 100% GPU RENDER.If I choose CPU CPU load 100% frequency 2 GHz video load 1-3% time 4.43 minutes
If you select CUDA processor 100% frequency 2.5 GHz video 13-50% render time 1.26 min.I think it should be so, and everything works correctly.
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Hi, @Pablo and @vadsura.
vadsura is right!
Just so you know, setting GPU(CUDA) means that CLO will use GPU for the main engine, it does not mean CLO will only use GPU without CPU. Also, please note that if other programs are being used at the same time with CLO, CPU load of Task Manager is reflected by them too.Secondly, Task Manager does not seem to show GPU usage accurately since I got over 90% of GPU load when I tested it using other software with a basic garment. (The name of the program is TechPowerUp GPU-Z, just for your reference.)
I think it works properly:) Let me know if you have any further questions about it.
Best, Lea.
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I have done more tests for the rendering capabilities. Because these things depend very much on the hardware and software versions, I can't conclude if a bug is present with CLO 4.1.94.
I added the NVIDIA Precision XOC to my NVIDIA GTX 970 card and I can see the reports from Windows Task Manager are different (usually showing less usage of the GPU).
Nonetheless, the GPU is not always used with the GPU (CUDA) option. When you stop and restart the rendering or when it does it by itself when rendering more than one colorway, then the next image not always use the GPU fully. I switched to GPU (OpenCL) which is slower, but it is more consistent in the GPU usage. I'm guessing the V-Ray driver to use the GPU has some flaws. I am willing to support you with more info if needed to find out if an improvement can be done to V-Ray app inside CLO.
My email
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Hello Lea and pabloquintana Thank you for your many posts and solutions in this Q&A. Found this post searching for an answer for our rtx3080 working hardly nothing while rendering (2-5%) while the cpu threadripper 32core is on 80-90%. we are happy with the speed but wondering despite CUDA its not really using the gpu?
Another observation we wonder if you have experienced regarding modelling: changing tools clo gets fully busy with a "programm not responding" wheel which can take several minutes despite cpu on 3%. Its very frustrating and slowing down extremely. Its a bit better when not having substance .sbsar files but still. Might be the clo6 or a setup issue? We already reinstalled clo with only slight improvements.
And the substance integration in general is cool, but seems still to be very unstable. For example colorway information is almost always lost between saving and has to be manually assigned for every single colorway every time on opening a file. colorway copying is not working, loosing the sbsar file path as it seems. A massiv time killer and we are quite disappointed as substance gives good reslults, but its almost not possible to use it with colorways. Maybe there is a fix or an update in the pipeline?
Would be great to "flawlessly" work with clo6 and substance.
Thank you for any suggestions or comments!
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Hello Lea
I also have the same annoyance. I have an RTX 2070 - I can't take advantage of it. Can you help me why?
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Me too,
Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-10980HK CPU @ 2.40GHz 3.10 GHz
Installed RAM 64.0 GB (63.8 GB usable)
GPU:RTX 5000Still not able to use CLO smooth on some project
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I am facing the same issue, do you got solution for it ?
I have also RTX 2070.
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I have also updated our system to a Ryzen 7 64GB RAM & an RTX 3090 and with GPU selected in CLO the GPU usage is showing 9% while CPU remains at 100%.
Surely the rendering is scalable?
Can you please advise of any solution.
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Hi Julian,
When you say "GPU selected in CLO the GPU usage is showing 9% while CPU remains at 100%." - at what stage of work does this refer to?
There is a bit of confusion with users of CLO I think, in that CPU/GPU usage applies to both the 3D simulation workspace AND the rendering element of CLO - both can be changed.
For all your simulation work, just use 'fast' mode and it will use your GPU (I cant remember if you need to configure fast mode to the GPU), and for basic quick viewing of renders set that to GPU on the render paramters on the right side (at the top). You can tick a box there that has something like "CPU ASSIST" but I don't know if that really ever makes much of a difference. I just leave it ticked anyway as I have a fast GPU and it all seems to work ok.
When you have finished your model, simulate it using the fitted garment simulation setting, THEN render the image by setting the render to use CPU only as that will give you the best quality render.
Also, you can open your graphics card settings and prioritise CLO to use the card. You can also configure the card to perform specific 3D tasks. That might help, but do some reading about it because you can soon screw up your graphics card settings and turn your system into mush. (you can of course reset the card back to default).
I can't remember if there is something you also do in task manager to prioritse CLO, but just google how to increase the perfomance of 3D apps.
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Thanks for your reply.
Primarily I find all motion and animation very slow - when doing the Animation of the avatar on the runway.
When doing the Animation of the avatar on the runway the CPU is at 100% and GPU is at 9%.
So is there any way to make the Animation of the avatar on the runway process faster - especially when there's 91% GPU not utilised.
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I personally only create stills - I don't create animations, but the principle inside CLO is really the same when it comes to rendering anything. A movie is simply a huge collection of stills, so if you have your rendering setting SET to use the CPU (which will render the best quality stills) then yes it is going to be slow - whatever the speed of your CPU really.
You should be able to set the number of stills that CLO renders out, so if you are simply doing a quick pass to see if you're happy with the flow of your animation, my advice would be to lower the resolution of the animation image (so set it to 800 x 800 pixels for example), increase the noise threshold - doesnt matter if the image is grainy at this stage, and then lower the number of frames in the animation. Render it out using the GPU (change the setting on the render parameter window top right).
Once you're happy with the flow of the animation, THEN bump the resolution of the movie right up to whatever screen size you need, decrease the noise threshold so your stills are not grainy, and whack the render setting back on to CPU mode. Then you just have to wait it out unfortunately. Only upgrading your CPU will speed that up.
If indeed you have CLO rendering set to use your GPU, but on your task manager it is saying that its only using 9%, then check to see if any of your other open applications are prioritizing the GPU in the background. If they are, those apps will be sucking the GPU power away from CLO.
A test - close down every other app running, and just run CLO, using GPU only to render. You should see an improvement. My general advice, if you can, just have CLO open and nothing else when you are using it, so you know your computer is only focused on CLO running.
If you're content with the quality of GPU renders, and don't need a higher quality CPU render, then really the only way is to max out on a GPU, get a threadripper system in place, or farm out the work.....