CLO Help Center
CLO Help Center
jne4sl commented,
Looks good. When computer grading there's no need to force it to match a manual method. Results should all be the same when done correctly. Cleaning up curve points and placing them only where need...
jne4sl commented,
Your approach is good, the important thing is watching the shapes and confirming the result you need. To take Handford literally, the curve points in each box would be graded exactly the same as th...
jne4sl commented,
One more image. If you're following Handford as closely as possible, entire sections of curve should be preserved, meaning all the curve points have the same grade as the previous marked point. The...
jne4sl commented,
Initially there was no intermediate point in the armhole, so I just graded the other segment points. Then I added a point and forced the grade. That particular pattern has too many curve points (th...
jne4sl commented,
This is a shirt front from the modular library, graded according to the Handford chart.
jne4sl commented,
The mid armhole grade should be level: 0 vertical, 5/8" horizontal. Looks like the other points follow the scheme, so you're interpreting the chart correctly. It is a little difficult, since the bo...
jne4sl commented,
elyannie, I was looking back at how I've used puckers previously, just following up in case it's of interest. This beginners guide has info on using custom topstitches
jne4sl commented,
For a normal map, I appropriated the standard seamline normal map. If you select any stitching line, you'll see it. It's in the library folders, too, I think under Hardware and Trim -> Seamlines....
jne4sl commented,
It's not perfect, but what about using a pucker and topstitch to illustrate the binding, instead of simulating? I used a strip of muslin texture on the bias, and set opacity 100%. It shows on ins...
jne4sl commented,
evoncassier, Under "User Settings" subsection 2D, there's a Notch option "Display Type". When "Length Fixed to Screen" is selected it's not possible to change the notch length. Switch to "Actual ...