CLO Help Center
CLO Help Center
silvialis commented,
sorry, what's the solution....? I don't have an answer....thanks!!!
silvialis commented,
Dear all, I have the same problem with Substance fabrics. The I get transparent garments and no matter what I move in the Property Editor, there's no way the fabric will show through. Any solutio...
silvialis commented,
And another issue, when I add a chest embroidery in my sweater and I add Displacement Map, the logo disappear.. check my pictures. Do you know anyway to add Displacement and and not to lose the log...
silvialis commented,
I have the same doubt, How can I create a thick fabric like a knitted fabric? I am looking for a thicker jumper...and my final renders looks so thin..
silvialis commented,
Me the same!!! how can I close in the other computer..?
silvialis commented,
I'm going to try everything, thank you very much for the videos and the Pixplant is downloading! you are the best!! :)
silvialis created a post,
I am trying to make a Rib neck, I have scanned the dog texture when I try to place it as it has a shape that does not let me turn the Rib correctly. Can you think of anything? Thanks a lot!
silvialis commented,
Hello, do you know where I can buy some fabric textures? I want a white Rib with a blue line... its simple but I read all the post and for me its impossible jejeje Thanks a lot!
silvialis commented,
Hello! I have a question.... what can you use the html files that are generated for? I've tried to share them and no one can see them, what use are they? I work with people who don't know anything...
silvialis commented,
Hello danielemanassero, thanks for your prompt reply! I find some good animations in Mixamo...but too short... I need longer to enter in the stage of clo... How do you think I can do that?? T...