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issues with light noise when rendering


  • US Designer Support

    Can you please share all your render settings as well (screenshots). best way to help is always to provide as much information and details as possible so we know where you are already starting from

  • c47a37787f14d4b66866

    Here are my render and image settings

  • US Designer Support

    Thank you. It does look like you are on a PC (please correct me if I am wrong). I do want to make sure you have checked your computer specs against our recommended specs HERE. The better your specs the more you can do and faster 

    If you are on a PC you should change the Render Engine from CPU to GPU. The GPU is much more powerful. (But macs cannot do this in case you are on one)

    Next Changing your Quality (light and material) to Medium. It is very unlikely that you will notice anything except for a speed difference when changing this. You will also need to increase your Noise threshold. This is the main thing causing the graininess. With such a low Render time (2 minutes) CLO cannot complete enough rendering cycles to clean it up. The default is 0.050 and I would recommend increasing back to this since your render time is low. The lowest I ever recommend a user to go on Noise is 0.030. People rarely notice the difference in visual quality and it is not worth the extra amount of time (usually 50-60 minutes per frame).

    Also with Render time keep in mind that the default of 20 does not mean that each frame will take 20 minutes (default time), but that CLO will have up to 20 minutes to complete its rendering cycles. For example If I was rendering the image above on a high powered gaming PC I would leave the default time to 20 and put the noise at 0.030. Each frame would likely like my computer between 3-5 minutes before it moves to the next one. But have the extra time built in can be useful. And animations will always take time to render for best results.

    You may also find this article HERE about the V-Ray render Properties helpful 

    Lastly, I noticed your FPS (frames per second) is set to 12 seconds. This will result in a very jittery animation. CLO by default should always be 30

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