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  • CLO Designers

    Hi neeraj77,

    The pleats tool is working as intended. It will add the pleated surface in for you with all internal lines needed.

    If you already have the internal lines added to your pattern piece and are happy with the size, you should use the pleats fold tool instead. it will add the fold angle needed to get the desired look ontp the lines already there:

    This is an example of accordion pleats being used on already existing internal lines at the 2:00 minute mark: The video is older, but the tool still works the same.

  • neeraj77

    thank you 

  • neeraj77

    can you please help on pinch pleat curtain with back fold.

  • CLO Designers

    With what exactly do you need help?

  • neeraj77

    it means how can i achieve as i mention in image with fold (3") on top where pleats are starting.

  • US Designer Support

    The Pleats Fold tool only has a few types of pleats it will do automatically. The pleats you are showing above are a more specialized pleat. You may need to instead manually input the fold angles for the curtain.

    You Can use the Internal Lines Tool to draw each fold and then apply a fold angle (direction) necessary for each pleat. You could also do just 1 repeat and then copy + paste the rest across the curtain

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