Create realistic knitwear with a variety of stitchings.
Click the Fabric in Fabric tab in Object Browser, and then Change the Material Type to Knitwear in Property Editor.
Adjust each detail property to express the desired knitwear.
Properties Description
Stitching Set the knit's Stitching type. Yarn Thickness
Set the thickness of the yarn.
Gauge Gauge refers to the number of knitting stitches within an inch. This means you can control the size of a stitch in the knit fabric: Higher values represent denser, thinner knits, and lower values represent thicker knits.
Knit Direction Adjust the Knit Direction.
Ply Amount Set the number of threads for plying. Ply Randomization
Plying is randomly blended to create a natural melange effect.
Randomization Factor
Adjust the density of the plying. Higher values result in a denser appearance.
Seed Position
Adjust the position of the plying.
Yarn Variance Irreqularity
Adjust how much the yarn randomly moves. Frequency
Adjust how often the yarn direction changes.
Length (mm)
Adjust how short or long the fluff can get. Higher values result in a longer pilling appearance.
Adjust how thick the fluff can get. Higher values result in a thicker pilling appearance.
Adjust how often the fluff appears.
Generate Seams Additional yarn is created along the seam lines and pattern outlines. If the seams of the knitwear pattern are unnatural, adjust the option to make them look natural.
Ply Normal Map Apply the normal map to the plying to express the three-dimensional effect of the yarn. Ply Color Set the color for each yarn in the plying.
📝 Note:
It may affect performance and speed when applying knitwear, and you can turn off the
Garment Rendering Style in 3D window ▶
Show Knitwear during other operations to work at the same speed as before.
- To optimize the knitwear mesh in the invisible camera area of the final rendered image, apply the settings in Render Properties ▶ Mesh Optimization.
How do you change the direction of the knit? I tried rotating the pattern and rotating the grain direction but it did not help. :(
Rotate the pattern, drag a different fabric onto in, then re-drag the knitwear fabric back onto the pattern and it will update.