
CLO 帮助中心



  • pabloquintana

    I'm guessing that is coming from the image itself. Can you show the graphic and how you are adding it here?

  • ottoline

    It's from the way vray is rendering the tiled PBR / sbar textures in the new shader - I have had the same render fault when using sbar and I have reported it. Check the displacement is set to zero in the fabric shader.



  • hanachiang

    I agree with Pablo that it could be from the image itself.
    To start, you can check the image in Photoshop by zooming it to the maximum and see if you have a clean edge.

  • ottoline

    Hanachiang > The fault also occurs using the new Adobe substance fabric materials > and their online library of sbar fabric shaders which have tile maps > which are unfortunately uneditable. So the problem is not so much that you can manually fix the fault by tediously opening in photoshop on each texture map, it's inherent in their > entire < 3,000+ materials Adobe Substance catalog. Which equals a BIG whoopsy !


    If fabric materials are intended to be drag and drop - (which they are) on what planet are they rendering less than perfect? And that is where the technical focus needs to be for the beta test - placed back on the problem of 'drag and drop simplicity' to resolve what is a less than 'seemless' process. << (That's a texturing pun)


    Simple solution is >> FIX the technical shader fault so all adobe substance sbar library fabric shaders are actually drag and drop without fail. No halfway solutions, just the 'real deal' > that drag and drop fabric shaders always render seemlessly.



  • hanachiang

    Hey ottoline >

    Don't get me wrong... I am open to your solution as well, which is an excellent trick to learn. Whichever works! :)
    I am only speaking from my own experience doing textile print design. When I create a print in Illustrator and export the image to the jpg format, Adobe Illustrator likes to "soften" the edges and create a thin transparent border. I often have to manually index the colours in Photoshop to make the print true seamless. I imagined that's how the thin line came from.

  • ottoline

    Sure _ I appreciate it can be manually overcome, but keeping it in context to a Beta technical software issue, it's a pretty major issue that sbar textures that come from the Adobe image library that use scanned tiled materials simply don't work seemlessly. And in that context, it's a big whoopsy, that drag and drop simplicity, which is the fundamental commercial driver behind using Adobe Substance sbar is perhaps less than 'ideal'. So for me that is the commercial context, or technical focus they (the CLO3D development team) need to resolve in the shader/software. Which is actually a pretty simple fix. Then there will be no need to reduce the seemless texture material (which many users may be wanting to use - otherwise why include sbar drag and drop) appear with this white line on rendering in vray. Unacceptable. And that is not being harsh - it is a reality of the digital pipeline it must be resolved before they shift out of beta on that feature.

    It should get fixed so everyone gets the benefit of drag and drop seemless materials behavior for tiled image maps.  It is an expectation of this modern age. No half-baked workflows > drag and drop and render for seamless perfection, or fail the market. Small issue, but get it right, no other option at a technical level ... when you are in the competitive business of launching a product out of beta, it could be a major stumbling block if not resolved, and I want the best for CLO3D - so get it technically right. And that is healthy technical pressure (and urgency) for them to respond to that challenge. If not, well ... Whoopsee!
