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imported an AI file have dot
Sewing render issue
Imprimir tallas en cada patrón
Making Outer puffer garment layer stick on to inner puffer garment layer
Does CLO 3D support Qualcomm X Plus/Elite processor?
Qualidade do Render está com defeito após a atualização.
Exporting alembic files from CLO into Blender loose stitching colour?
Gap between patterns even though there is sewing?
How to simulate accessories with annimation?
Matching Clo's shader model
Cannot see all measurements
render seams black
Differences between circumference measurement methods
Knitwear is displayed translucent
Imported DAZ avatar not visible in Render after last update
My own knit patters
Dart Legs Are Not The Same In Graded Sizes
Improve quality of fake eyelets
I can't add the Navigation+and+Selection.Zprj practice file to the library
Can't remove grey lines as shown on pattern
Avatars 2.1 EU Sizes disappeared..
Issue with collars
clo 3d
Calzón tipo boxer