
CLO ヘルプセンター


Problem when register shoes


  • 正式なコメント
    US Designer Support

    For those of you having the position error, make sure to Change scale to cm [DAZ Studio]

  • bingcoolw

    I have got the same problem, I am Clo V7 user. Please help. 

  • CLO Designers

    Hi mickey31

    It looks like the positions might not actually match. The best thing to do is import the FBX that was exported from blender to check where the shoes are coming in relative to to Avatar/Pose. You can then make any necessary position adjustments. You will need to make those adjustments in Blender and then export the shoes from Blender again.

    We hope this helps


  • bingcoolw

    Hi Clo,

    I have same issue here.

    I didn't move the shoes in Blender. When I was in Clo and imported the fbx file from Blender, it happened like the below. How can I solve it?? why does the position like this?

  • bingcoolw

    Hi Clo,

    SOS. I need to solve this problem urgently. Please help. I have tried to rearrange the position in Blender, however, the error keeps happening. 


  • mickey31

    Thank you CLO Designers .

  • CLO Designers

    HI bingcoolw

    Have you followed all of the steps HERE on the registering shoes video? Once you have registered the shoes in Blender and labeled them properly you can them bring them back to CLO and register them to the CLO avatar. 

    You above image looks like you are still using pattern pieces for the shoes and not the version that needs to be exported from Blender and registered. Once you register the shoes properly the CLO black heels should disappear and change to your new heels. 

  • susidko

    I have same problem with registering shoes according to official tutorial

    I've used blender to export my shoes, it was positioned correctly with pivots on 0, named properly, and exported with the correct settings. But it doesn't register - "position doesn't match the avatar"

    when it imports as a trim - it is positioned correctly

  • susidko

    Also, I can't register CLO shoes - the  default white sneakers - I've exported them out of CLO with avatar, deleted the avatar in blender, and exported shoes only as FBX.
    And it's not registering



  • vaunakiller

    Hey, I've figured out the solution for "The position doesn't match the avatar"

    The error is a bit misleading.There are two reasons why this error apears: first - wrong shoes orientation (like in the message above), second - incorrect size (but it appears correct when importing into CLO / viewing in Blender).

    I use Blender, but solutions should work for other 3D editors just fine.

    1.Fixing wrong shoes orientation

    Make sure that FBX export settings contain correct "Up" and "Forward" axis settings:

    1. Your values for "Up" and "Forward" may differ, play around to get a correct result
    2. Remove "Apply unit" checkmark to avoid confusion. If you leave it, Blender will automatically apply scaling/transformation options you set in Object mode. You better apply them manually beforehand (see bellow)
    3. To check correct orientation: use "File->Import (Add)" to check orientation. _This is not how you add shoes_, its just for testing purposes

    2.Fixing scale problem

    For some reason, while importing with "Import(Add)" may give you impression that the size is correct, its actually might be not.
    You need to check the size of the model in Blender (or your 3D editor of choice) before exporting.
    For me, shoes were in fact giagantic. I modeled them around CLO 3D avatar, which I exported from CLO to Blender, and it was way bigger (like 7m tall) when I checked.

    Steps to fix it:

    1. In Blender - open "Object Mode"
    2. Open "Transform" pane
    3. Check object dimensions
    4. Y dimension should be "height" in meters by default. Make sure its appropriate value. To adjust size: select both objects and press S, then move mouse, while keeping eye on the Y axis value. E.g. for my shoes it was 2m by default, I've scaled down it to 0.18m to fix the issue
    5. After that make sure shoes origin (big yellow dot) is in the correct position (between shoes, at the start of the axis grid). If not, use "Object -> Snap -> Cursor to world origin" then select shoes and use "Object -> Set origin -> Origin to 3D cursor"
    6. Apply scaling - select both shoes, press Ctrl+A and select "Scale" (or "All transforms", if you rotated shoes)
    7. You are ready to export - Open "File->Export->FBX" and refer to settings mentioned above
    8. Now you can move to CLO3D and register accessory
    9. If you see clipping issues like below, you need to adjust size and position again in Blender (remember to update origin and apply transformation as in step 5 and 6)
    10. You should be all set

      Hopefuly that helps somebody, I spent the whole day figuring this out.
      CLO3D team really needs to update that error with something more descriptive, its very misleading.
      Adding an updated video tutorial addressing typical issues (for all possible errors that Clo3D gives when registering shoes) would be great too!
  • US Designer Support

    vaunakiller Thank you for your hard work on this. We are aware of the original error that occurs. Just to be sure, did you try the updated solution posted at the beginning of this thread? [posted 5 months ago, highlighted in blue] This is also the note in the description of the video tutorial "*UPDATE DECEMBER 2022; There has been a change in the EXPORT process. Make sure when you Export as FBX for Scale you choose "cm (DAZ Studio)" As far as we know this fix also works if someone finds it does not, please let us know.
