
CLO ヘルプセンター


Avatar and fabric interfer with each other


  • 正式なコメント
    CLO Designers

    sleepyhead It appears that the sewing on the shirt is not correct. It looks like the sleeves are sewn to the opposite side of the body and causing the issue.

  • closure

    Have you tried reducing the fabric's particle distance under the property editor? It's less likely for materials to go through each other when then mesh is smaller.

  • zhanart

    Judging from my experience, and judging by the detailed texture, your object (avatar) scan, and the texture or photogrammetry, or with a good, high-quality scan.
    If below advised tips with increasing PD patterns will not help, you will have to check the grid for correctness of topology (retopology) or just to compact the avatar grid.
    Check also the boots, on the correctness of the mesh.
    In general, we are such problems, it is better to post a screenshot with these work, or lay out the file itself. Ekstrasensorika-it's a little long)))

  • linusridestore

    Increasing PD didnt help no, how do I check avatar grid and mesh of boots? Any suggestions of articles or tutorials on this area? I'm a beginner...

  • innovativehjhj

    linnea, you can see avatar's mesh size by clicking the Mesh icon pictured below. It is in the 3D window.

    Also, if it does not work after decreasing the particle distance to btw 5~10, try to increase the skin offset value to at least 3 which you can find under the property editor after clicking the avatar. I found a helpful article about the skin offset here.

    Lastly.... (assuming that you purchased the avatar from third party services) I have used many avatars from other services too and such problem never really occurred which means that you shouldn't need to adjust the avatar's grid with topology... this is a whole new world..

  • zhanart

    Yes, yes the increase in skin offset probably should help. I forgot to remind him, first of all)

  • linusridestore

    Thank you so much guys for your help! <3

    I can't see where I can change PD for the avatar, the option only shows when I work with the garment?.. Or do I need another program to edit my avatar?

  • zhanart

    While trying to increase these avatar values

  • linusridestore

    So increasing skin offset will increase mesh density on avatar?

  • zhanart

    No, you do not understand, it does not have to do with the Avatar grid. This will increase the touch distance of the clothing to the avatar body
    And this should solve your problem
    Compaction of avatar grid, (retopology) is the extreme option, if your problem is not solved.

  • linusridestore

    problem is not solved :) Helped a bit though, so the extreme option, how do I do that?

  • zhanart

    This should be done in third-party 3d programs such as 3ds max ,MAYA
      send me your file on murato77732@gmail.сom
    I will do to you.

  • linusridestore

    Wow, thank you so much! Just mailed you

  • linusridestore

    Sure your address is correct? Seems that my mail doesn't reach you

  • zhanart


  • zhanart

    OK! received a file,

  • zhanart

    The problem of penetration through the avatar does not exist at all, just the unnecessary pressure function with a negative value of -1 was turned on.
    But the avatar itself is heavy, with a very dense grid, yes, it needs to be fixed.

  • linusridestore

    ok thanks! We use pressure to simulate padding, but should not use it in bottom pants then. Do you have any advice or suggestions who to contact to help us make our avatar more workable?

  • zhanart

    Yes, I'll make your avatar easy. and send

  • zhanart

    Now I will check for a loan with the clothes, and send
    Relieved, with little or no loss of quality

  • zhanart

    Hi ,linnea

    The file CLO4 sent to the e-mail

  • sleepyhead

    ooooh, i have a similar problem, please help me. I  downloaded an avatar from Mixamo and the clothes go through it, i don't know what to do
