
CLO ヘルプセンター


Sew OBJ to Garment - Feature Request [or is this currently possible?]


  • US Designer Support

    Hi seanhex

    Currently the best option is usually the reverse to "glue" OBJ to patterns, but an OBJ can only be glued to one point. But we can pass on this information to our team

  • seanhex

    Hi, thanks for your response. Noted that glue is the best option. Unfortunately this will not work in any of our scenarios as we need to sew around the full perimeter of the foam [OBJ] part. Attached image for more information - the blue piece at the bottom is the OBJ. I've imported it as a single surface [the form imported accurately] hoping that it would allow sewing, but no luck. Importing with 'OBJ as garment' [2nd image] seems like it *wants* to work, but the pattern and overall forms are incorrect. I'll continue to play with this latter option to see if i can dial it in with some workarounds.

  • virtuallytrendy

    I totally agree with seanhex about being able to sew to an OBJ object... it would be an indispensable tool in my workflow as well. Please, CLO, make a note to incorporate it in the near future.


  • jimsimon

    seanhex virtuallytrendy Although it is not possible to SEW to an OBJ, it is possible to use the Measure Tools and the Attach to Measure Function. This is an older article, but the tools/concepts are the same now. https://support.clo3d.com/hc/en-us/articles/115012225987-Attach-to-Avatar-Tape 

    NOTE; The OBJ must be imported as an Avatar, not a Trim and it will not be able to be animated.

  • seanhex

    Hi jimsimon, as mentioned above, i've used Attach to Measure and it is not workable for my needs. Thanks

  • virtuallytrendy

    Thank you jimsimon for the link and your comment.

    But I have to say that I have tried it and it doesn't work quite right, sometimes it does strange things... like sliding to one side, I also see that if the segment of the fabric is bigger than the segment of the OBJ object, it doesn't do the gathers correctly...

    I think it's a good idea but they should improve the tool to make it more effective for this kind of task or create a new tool.

