High Resolution / Fitting Accurat Fabric
It would be great to be able to see the effort the system does in the Fitting / High Res function, besides the white frame. Not knowing, because all is so slow if the fabric is at any point final, is painful in the workflow. A blue bar with the percentage as in Netting or Rendering function would be great.
I agree! I thought it was just my computer, but I find myself squinting, staring intently to see changes & if it is complete.
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feel you
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Hi kuoture Simulation unlike rendering is never really "done". Rendering is a final image output, but with simulation gravity is always ongoing.
One thing many users find helpful is to rotate in the3D window while CLO is calculating. Nothing will happen in the moment, but when CLO is done calculating the rotation previously done will snap into place and then you will know.
But of course Simulation in Hi-Res with Accurate drape will always be time consuming and take some patience
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Hi, funny, I do this rotating via the number keys already. Got it intuitively too. But what does it show? That the pc is not frozen any more...
Infinite resolution optimization! Nothing is infinite in this world!
Still, if you can come up with an idea that a user somehow gets the feeling to be in control, would be amazing.
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@kuoture plumconsulting As previously stated; "Simulation unlike rendering is never really done." Think of turning on Simulation as activating gravity. Once activated the garment can always move or be draped by the user until you "turn off gravity".
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Still, I insist, than the 3d window should tell what is it doing in the fitting moment. When I press space key, it takes around 6 to 10 minutes until the fitting mode in high resolution stops. Not knowing in that endless minutes what is going on, is painful and does not work in a professional work environment.
It would be great if the program shows at least that it caught the signal, it feels like because of total exhaustion of the GPU it is simple freezing and not rendering at all. The (space) stop button should be an instant signal and not delayed that much, especially when I can not see that the quality of a garment is getting significantly better in that time.