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Latest activity by krant
  • krant created a post,

    Hello,  I am hoping someone has experience with this and can share their knowledge. I can't figure out how to make my diamond edges appear hard in CLO. Please see photos below. 

  • krant commented,

    Let me clarify, It appears my buttons share the same texture as a fabric, therefore, when I try to add the maps manually, I cannot without it effecting the cloth material. How can I make sure the b...

  • krant commented,

    Ok, I cannot figure this out. In Iclone, I don't have a material slot that I can add a map to for the buttons. Help? 

  • krant commented,

    Oh I didn't realize you could bake the button material the the UDIM. Do you have any resources about how to do this? It seems like that would be the easiest option. 

  • krant commented,

    Hi, So anyone fix this? Every time I export my buttons turn to a material in my fabric panel. This is Iclone. I'm fairly new to it, This is kind of a big problem for me at the moment. Really need t...

  • krant commented,

    Hey everyone, I know this is old but maybe just reading it from another person will make something click for you, who knows.  Export the default avatar in the scene. Upload this to Mixamo and downl...

  • krant created a post,

    Hi everyone! I am curious, I don't see retopology in CLO3D? Does this mean that if you need to import this mesh into a game engine, like Unreal I should be making my patterns in Marvelous Designer ...

  • krant commented,

  • krant created a post,

    I have the collision set to 2.5. What am I missing. The rabbit substance material always render like so. 

  • krant commented,

    oh ok, thank you. I think I was struggling wrap my head around the concept of a "turned" sewing line....also how you can defined the angle. I didn't realize there was a fold assist tool in the 3D w...