CLO Help Center
CLO Help Center
thomasg commented,
It seems that it has a bug. I add point of measure to graded pattern, then when select different grading, the point of measure switches correctly when select different grading. After when save the...
thomasg created a post,
Hi,, I am trying to export json, with grading and pom. I can not see the list of graded pom? I have grading sizegroup with 3 sizes, I see length2DListForGrading but it contains 4 items with the sa...
thomasg commented,
Is it possible to be able to export 2D pattern with point of measure and also indicate the POM number next to the lines?
thomasg commented,
Today I was checking the Point of Measure tool. When apply the point of measure, some lines are drawn on top of the garment in 3d render. But other lines show up as a straight line going through th...
thomasg created a post,
Can you put some work into the techpacks features? The way techpacks are today, it is not very good. The zippers and sliders show wrong colors. Also the placement of zipper not very clear. Then the...
thomasg commented,
The techpack as it is today, is not very usefull. The zippers, sliders show in wrong colors. The topstitch shows no usefull information. It needs a lot of work in order to make it usefull in a real...
thomasg commented,
Why are the trims going through the fabrics, can you not make them solid so they don't go through fabrics? If you use avatar the trim does not move along with the fabrics, it is just in static posi...
thomasg commented,
B_Basics > a_Adjusting a T-shirt