Upload a 3D Garment and extract a tech pack via CLOSET.
Main Menu ▶ File ▶ Share via CLOSET ▶ Tech Pack via CLOSET
Main Menu ▶ Share via CLOSET ▶ Tech Pack via CLOSET
- Follow the path indicated below:
Main Menu ▶ File ▶ Share via CLOSET ▶ Tech Pack via CLOSET
Main Menu ▶Share via CLOSET ▶ Tech Pack via CLOSET
→ You are redirected to CLOSET. - Refer to CLOSET maunal to upload and extract a tech pack.
when i share a file with some people, some of them see the garment like a metalic fabric ? could i make something with the light ?
in the tech packs xlsx i do not have all the colors details that I have in the coloways,eg:zips, buttons, graphics.
same for sizes specs... eg: zip sizes, details puller, detail slider...
xlsx file is very basic.
how improve the link between clo color way and tech pack.
All works great, except my measurement sheet is empty. How do I transfer my pattern measurements in this sheet?
The techpack as it is today, is not very usefull. The zippers, sliders show in wrong colors. The topstitch shows no usefull information. It needs a lot of work in order to make it usefull in a real world.