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How to add quilting to a jacket


  • ottoline

    You have 2 choices.


    1. You can clone over a copy of the pattern piece with diamond internal lines and then add equal and opposite pressure to inflate, or you may use additional pattern thickness simulation offset for the quilt level.

    2. You can create a copy of the flat patterns off to one side, clone over and quilt using the internal line with the top pattern pieces shrinkage adjusted to 103% for warp/weft,simulate and then export the flat object to a texture program and create the normal and displacement maps (using bake to flat mesh cage) and then reapply the texture set to a new fabric texture and apply to the pattern pieces in CLO3D. This requires a set of patterns (UV) so that these are mapped correctly. You can then recreate both animation and high frequency texture details for any of these 'special' quilts with speed as the simulation mesh density can be set to a high particle distance, where the texture bake is a low particle mesh distance for the creasing. This then keeps the project efficient into animation.

    When production machine (cnc) quilting is made on a coat it  is done in this exact process > so you mirror that within CLO3D you will get the exact same replication for that detail.  See below on this 'puffy' shirt how the sleeve quilting is actually a normal map and height map applied to a copy of the flatform pattern piece.


    Shadermap pro is a good texture baking application for this task. You can try the free version to get an idea on how it works.


    Above the left and right side patterns are set to 20mm mesh particle distance meaning this is an extremely 'fast' to simulate garment in animation, yet the detailed texture maps (flatforms on the right side) were simulated at 3-5mm particle mesh distance and then baked to a texture map set. This means you get high frequency creasing detail that can be reapplied to a low poly mesh in CLO3D. For quilted coats this is actually how the quilting is made - in a flat piece on a robotic (cnc) machine. Therefore your quilt pucker and creasing will mirror production exactly. This is a much better technique to simply using inflate pressure in CLO3D. It also results in much more efficient garment models. 


  • thngswewear

    This is amazing, thank you!!  I'll try this now and let you know how it goes. 


  • ottoline

    I forgot to mention > when you create the clone over at 103% shinkage in warp weft > freeze the lower pattern pieces so it stays to the same shape in the UV (UDIM) flatform. You may also need to arrange all your pattern pieces in the CLO3D UV editor such that they sit in the UDIM UV order you want so when it comes to assigning the texture maps of the new normals and depth maps > it's an easier process to align them as they fit to the flat layout. And also create a suitably high texture map - eg: 4k. (4096px)

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