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Parametric tool


  • CLO Designers

    Hi tnals12069 ,

    Thank you for your suggestion. It is not possible at the moment to use parametric tools in CLO. I will pass on your thoughts to our development team.


    Your CLO team


  • ottoline

    CLO3D can create a basic fabric pattern shape, and this means you can indeed make the core surfaces that you then apply additional parametric parameters too externally. A pattern is defined by a closed shape (edges) and either a quad or tri-mesh surface. You can also use Marvelous Designer (MD)  to create bespoke qaud topology that flows exactly to your base mesh surface that you want to treat as parametric (power of 2) . In addition you can apply mesh displacement under parametric rules in external applications to the core / base cloth surfaces. So it would be possible to define a cloth block (set of pattern pieces) that then get treated with parametric drivers to alter their surface topology. That is simply a node graph editing option you can place downstream in the pipeline to the core base mesh (block) patterns.


    As pattern pieces need to interface you can always convert a pattern to a regular edge edge number and pole count using MD retopography tools. This gives you ample control in terms of driving the core fitted base mesh on the avatar, at which point it then becomes a node graph driven output. (eg: blender geometry nodes). Unlike rhino where you are creating nurb surfaces you can get a pretty amazing result in blender using : > geometry nodes, tissue, sorcar, or Sverchok. As blender also has cloth sculpt tools, you can use MD at the front end of the process and geometry parametric node graphs mixed in with sculpting on the backend. Possibly faster and better than using grasshopper as you have a few more creative options.


  • ottoline

    They are great tools to use in the node graph within blender, as blender is a standalone modeller, it incorporates a number of both modelling, animation and parametric workspaces. Unlike Modo or other apps you woould need to bolt on something like nuke to get the parametric aspect to a modeller, however blender has that core in their node graph toolsets along with the many community addons.

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