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gltf file import looks strange in render window


  • US Designer Support

    Hu  after changing the Particle Distance did you turn Simulation on again? You need to do this after changing a physical property so the fabric can redrape

  • sonja

    Yes I know but still stay as this....any other suggestions?

  • CLO Designers

    Hi sonja,

    Could you add a screenshot of what it looks now after simulating the lower PD?

  • sonja

    Itried it with another gltf fabric but same problem in PD 5. See the in the red circles. The fabric is not fluid.


  • US Designer Support

    Hi sonja

    is there a reason you are importing a gltf fabric into CLO? The gltf is mean to export out of CLO into other programs like Blender/C4D. It is not meant to go back to CLO. To have a proper physical property (drape) you should be using .Zfab material files. These are what hold the physical properties for fabrics in CLO

  • sonja

    I'm importing gltf files from extern company. I can't download zfab files from the website only u3ma, sbsar gltf and zip files with texutres. Which one you recommend for CLO?


  • CLO Designers

    Hi sonja,

    Please excuse the late reply. There is an issue with the display of your last comment so we didn't see it. Is the composition and weight of the fabrics stated from where you are accessing them? You can generate the physical properties with the Fabric Creator and then add the textures from the zip, save this as a zfab.

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