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  • pabloquintana

    Hi sudolisa. There are several ways of doing something like this. I will suggest two. The best way depends on where are you planning on using it on your garment and how close will your camera will be to this embellishment.

    If you are seeing it from straight on or a shallow angle, a normal map might suffice, or even the new displacement feature in CLO.

    If you are seeing it from an acute angle, meaning you will see its profile from a very close camera view, then normal maps won't cut it. Here an actual modeled object might be needed.

    Can you explain how are you planning on using it?


  • sudolisa

    This will be part of swim as below.

  • sudolisa

    In my short knowledge, tried in Graphic and actual pattern shape, but both are weird.

  • pabloquintana

    I think both ideas could work if you work on them a little more. The first one with the graphic if you create a normal map out of the scan of the image, then you'll get bumps, or even try the Displacement feature in 5.1. Otherwise it looks flat.

    There are many ways of doing it, especially if you know the concepts behind it. If not, you could try:

    For the second method, I'm not sure how you did it. I can suggest actually creating the small pieces of thread in CLO, making them really thick, and them applying the normal map and texture for each bump with PNG transparency. Here is a rough idea:


  • ottoline

    This is quite easy to do in CLO3D, see my previous post.

    Link >> Ref: > How-can-I-tie-a-tight-belt-around-a-coat


  • vadsura

    try to use displacement.

    see it 1:08:11 


  • sudolisa

    based on Video and explaining, spent time couple hours to follow tie and knot.. still nothing works well.--;

    my knot just came off without knotting after deactivating sewing.

    will try again. My waist belt bow keep coming off when I tried to make tighter although I followed as guide to avoid all melting together. 

    My knotting is like below. Nothing is easy yet for me!

  • ottoline

    What type of knot is it?

    (see link >  maybe a clew knot )


    Manually making knots is perhaps not the best approach if you are struggling.

    TIP : When simulating any knot you MUST have radius edges and thickness on the pattern model before you simulate it (using sim preset > complete non-linear) as particle distance 5mm or 3mm for any chord that is reasonable width otherwise the vertex count on the chord will not be high enough and the knot will fall out on simulation. The more vertex you have the better for collision and ability to pull a knot inwards.Once you have a knot simulated > solidify it so it stays there and so that you can still pull around the assembly. 


    Try the second method where you just pick a knot model from the library, make it 3D using those small apps > export as 3 sided mesh > open in 3D software > eg: free blender >  delete one edge and weld edges (clean) so it's one surface > so you have a flat surface as a knot already assembled > import to CLO3D > convert to flat pattern (one click) > apply thickness to resultant pattern with curved edges until it's radius edges equals the width and you are done. See that animated gif where I show how quick that is. Then you don't need to assemble it.


    Another alternative is to bake your 3D knot (when you say what type it is) to a texture with depth map, normal map and alpha transparency maps to drop those textures onto a pattern piece > apply a fabric texture so it renders as woven. Very easy and quick to do.


    Using the free knot apps make your 3D model knot > import to blender/modo/max and smooth and scale to suit.


    Export 3D model to texture baking app (shadermap 4.0 pro- $29) and bake the textures into masks, normals, depth maps. So in this knot weave example I am making the 3D model into a texture. In shader map you can paint with these as brushes (3D model stamps) so you can do things like create cable weave repeats. I do a lot of knitwear into CG so that is how I typically do CG for those types of items.

    This is a bloodknot type weave 3D now as a handy texture set.


    Normal map

    Depth map

    These are all 8 bit maps (better to be 16 bit) - however right click and save as .png and try them out in CLO3D.



  • sudolisa


    I tried to download and use KT3 existing knot, but for some reason, it is not running. Blender is new to me, it may need some time to learn.

    I really hope I can get reach as you do above.

  • ottoline

    You will 'Knot' be disappointed when you get the hang of this app. 

  • sudolisa

    Hi Ottoline,


    I tried your depth map and it looks good to start with displacement map for fake MACREME look.

    I just need to execute Knot 3D to get knot shape that I want.

    KT3 is Free app? not sure why it is not working.


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