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Exporting .DXF file for Gerber- Nesting happening


  • ottoline

    Post a video (link) on how you are doing it and maybe we can correct you with the proper process.

    Pattern nesting ?? If you have the dxf importing okay from CLO3D to your gerber cad system then there is no issue with nesting. Sounds like operator error at their end.

    There is no Standard DXF  - that is 'wishful thinking' as every software unfortunately treats the actual real dxf standards differently according to their file translators and how there developers created the code and then what version of software (gerber) you are using. So it can be a case of following the correct procedure based on what software CAD system you are sending too and what version of gerber they are using. Most of the time I find it's operator error,  that doesn't follow procedure, unaware of what the real AAMA/DXF standard includes in their layers.



    Fashion CAD like CLO3D exports to the Fashion CAD standard with AAMA/DXF and ASTM/DXF.  

    Engineering dxf is not what your cutter should be asking for as that has a heap of polyline and layer structures that will not read into gerber correctly, they often get rejected so make sure it is AAMA/DXF.

    To get the grading in you need to use the 2 formats ( I recommend AAMA/DXF) that CLO3D provide. And export each pattern piece separately out in that AAMA/DXF format. All grading will go with that item.

    I have to correct manufacturers with regularity on how to import .dxf files as they get it so backward it would make you question how on earth they are making stuff. Usually an indication that they need to retrain staff pronto or that they have changed operators.

    Ask them what version of gerber they have and check to make sure it's the latest version.

    There is nothing wrong with the CLO3D dxf export format for graded garments  that I can find at the moment - it works okay and all the curves are good, so it's likely either your choice on export (make sure you toggle the correct factors) or the cutter whom doesn't know how to import AAMA/DXF properly. A common mistake is they choose the import engineering .dxf channel instead the fashion AAMA/DXF  process into gerber. So ask them what import option they used. If they say DXF then redirect them to use AAMA instead. The dxf format will be visible further in the import process.


    Above CLO3D tee shirt (back) with arbitrary grading on import into optitex using AAMA/DXF > no problem all patterns come in okay. I would likely leave out the points clean up. Here you can see the grading sizes are split into pieces for illustration purposes. And the notches are large so you can see they came in okay.

    Nested no problem. All down to whom the operator is - I think.


  • meredithrfullers



    Thank you SO MUCH for your help thus far! I've included the link below to how I'm saving the file. I am still very new to digital patterns so I'm sure I'm doing something incorrectly when I export. Since last I posted, I've sent my cutter a few pattern pieces individually to see if that is causing the problem, but while I wait on a response I thought I'd make sure I'm not doing anything wrong. I've also included his response as well in case that sheds any light on anything. 

    Thank you again for your help!


    Sent: Friday, September 27, 2019 10:21 AM
    To: '



    As I stated before, these are the only import options I have…

    I’ve tried all .dxf options and the only one that will work for the files she’s sending is the Standard DXF option. I’ve also looked at all the options that could possibly be adjusted on my end.

    I don’t have a clue what they are talking about either as far as the “fashion file vs. an engineering one”.




  • ottoline

    Meredith, my pleasure. It's the sharp end of getting stuff made and is usually a case of 'newby baptism by fire ordeal' when file exchange goes awry. Don't fret because it's all part of the process in solving problems in manufacturing. A common issue the world over.

    You appear to be exporting okay from CLO3D. I noticed from that video you are using MAC. I tested on PC only - so I am assuming there is no issue with the MAC export. You might want to try testing a graded garment if you are going to check nest sizes on export.

    Post a sample test link for your AAMA/DXF or ASTM/DXF file outputs from CLO3D and I can download it and check them both for you.

    The issue is most likely at their end. When they import they should use AAMA/AAMA (*.dxf) which is the 1st option you have highlighted. If that is still problematic, you may need to ask them what version of gerber are they using and how they are using it. (Never easy to do ... as it is like asking a CAD operator to suck down on eggs - not fun!).


    If the Standard DXF option imported into their system it uses the basic DXF exchange format that was developed by Autodesk for engineering developed prior to the specific fashion apparel industry dxf versions AAMA/DXF and ASTM/DXF. Which means you get an file import class structure that is based on engineering and not fashion - and it may be missing some data associated with the fashion file class structure that details a garments construction. So that option is not good.

    CLO3D will export a good fashion based AAMA/ASTM dxf file format.


    Unfortunately many CAD operators just don't understand the technical difference (engineering dxf file structure verse fashion apparel industry file structure). They are generally only concerned with clicking buttons and trusting everything works from all software vendors so they can get on with work - which is understandable.  Debug their import process is not what they want ... and they generally get belligerent the moment the technical jargon starts flying or a problem requires solving.


    Post a sample DXF file export and I will check it for import. That way you will know if there is a fault with your export from CLO3D on MAC or if the CAD operator has a fault their end with what they are doing with gerber.


    You can post me your email address if you want so we can ping files and video steps >  back and forward.


    PS - you might want to edit/delete that last post with their email address details.

  • meredithrfullers


    Thank you again for your continued help! Yes, running a small business everything is a bit like baptism by fire, but especially jumping into the import/ export CAD world is definitely the most difficult! I've included links here for a couple of files. The cutter I am using is usually cutting things like flight suits if that is helpful for you at all? They are using patterns that don't change much if at all so I don't think they Import/ Export all that much perhaps. 

    I will certainly pass along your advice for the cutter. My email is Thank you again for all of your help!!


  • ottoline


    Meredith you can delete that last post if you want I have your details and the files. The two test files imported okay.

    I will walk you through that process by email, otherwise it should be relatively easy.

    Looks like it is their end or the software translator they may be using.



    no-problem. All sizes came in from CLO3D - so you can be sure it's not an issue at your end, it's perhaps down to how they import, many CAD operators set their import up wrong and end up missing data on import, or not parsing the file correctly before import.


  • meredithrfullers



    Thank you so much!! I will delete the last post- thank you again. 


    How should I tell them they should import? I have not gotten an email from you, but if that is easier to communicate that is totally fine with me. Thanks!!

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