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CLO_Standalone_OnlineAuth_x64.exe doesn't answer


  • vadsura

    Сheck your clothing is built in quads or triangles. Use triangles and the distance pattern = 20. For primary simulation.

  • Lea

    Hi, @taruical

    As we have investigated this issue, a graphic card driver causes this trouble.

    We cannot assume which version of the driver doesn't occur the trouble since AMD hasn't reported anything regarding this problem!

    We'd like to recommend you try to update the graphic card driver but, unfortunately, we cannot guarantee the trouble will be solved after that. 

    If updating the graphic card driver doesn't work, there's nothing else we can do about it : (

    Contacting the manufacturer of the graphic card can be another solution.

    Let me know if you have any questions about it. Hope updating the graphic card works!!! 

  • taruical

    Hi, @Lea

    Thanks for your answer, unfortunately I have already updated the graphic card drivers and still have the same poblem(in fact, now I don't see the crash message, it just crashes without saying anything).

    What I don't understand is why do I have this problem now, I have been working with Clo for almost a month and haven't had this issue before (during this time I haven't changed any settings)

    So sad to hear there's nothing more left to do, I really liked working with Clo :(

  • Lea

    Hi, @taruical

    Yeah, I am deeply sad too.. :( 

    How about changing the graphic card by referring Computer Specification on our website?

    Please check below.

    If you are ok with it, let me know if there is anything I can help you with!

    Best, Lea.

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