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How to have Double Sided Fabric? - GLB File Export


  • CLO Designers

    Hi fitz333,

    It's working on our side, have you tried already and wish to report an error? It is not clear to us from your statements.

  • fitz333

    Yes sorry I have tried it and it is not exporting with a separate colour on the back of the fabric when exporting with GLB, it is always the same as the front. I have attached two pictures; one is from the Clo Screen and the other is how it looks when exported and opened in a 3d Viewer.

  • CLO Designers

    Hi fitz333,

    Can you check your steps against those of my colleague in this video?

  • fitz333

    Thanks for the reply. All the settings are the same except for when exporting I have been selecting the Unified UV Coordinates (PNG) as I need the UV mapping.
    I tried everything the same as the settings and I got it to export double sided though as soon as I select the Unified UV Coordinates is doesn't export with double sides.

  • CLO Designers

    Hi fitz333,

    We apologize for the issue, it has been reported.

    For now, as a workaround if not using Unified UV Coordinates is not an option, you could layer clone under the affected pattern pieces and set their assigned fabrics to white.

  • fitz333

    Thank you for your help. Would be good to see this fixed and working correctly.

  • fitz333

    Hi. Could I please get an update on this? There has been two Clo updates since reporting the issue and there is still no fix. Thanks

  • US Designer Support

    Hi fitz333

    We spoke with our Dev team. As of now this is not possible in CLO. CLO does not support UV editor object for the double sided fabric (= thickness pattern).
    Which means we cannot use the unified UV for the thickness pattern completely especially the side pattern mesh.

    But it has been a popular feature request which is being looked into with our Dev team, but as far as the release we cannot give any date.

  • fitz333

    Ok. Is there a workaround to make the UV not show on the backside of the material so it is not a copy of the front pattern? I can't double up the fabric as the binding doesn't work well when doing that.

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