Morph target and Animation drape malfunction
Morph target and Animation drape is not functioning for us as of last update.
1) We tried using OBJ to morph to different poses of our custom character but obj imports successfully as morph but character pose only changes by one frame and this only happens when there is garment in the scene, when there are no garments at all and just the character it works perfectly.
2) Our other option was to try to animate the character from default pose to the pose we needed and export as FBX or Alembic but no success still, again the character animation imports successfully into CLO, Animation plays well, but when it time to recording / draping the animation with the garment, garment layer appears in the timeline --> it drapes by one frame and then garment layer disappears.
Is any body else experiencing this issue ? Pls comment so I know if it an issue from our end.
Our last resort since we only need the pose is to import the actual pose we need and manually rearrange the garment and drape.
Hi dznrstudiov2,
Please contact tech support here and attach the files in question via wetransfer:
I can find one known issue related to morph target, but it is unclear without having the files whether this would be related.
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Hi, I have this issue too.
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HI mickey31 we cannot find any active CLO subscription under this account. For further assistance can you please let us know if you possible have an active ID under another account name?