I have some trouble making modification to my graded patterns because every time I cut it, it ramdomly change the grading point. And even if I try to put every point to 0 it doesn't work.
My graded pattern
The line I want to cut
What it looks like when I cut it.
And when I reset the grading values it doesn't come back to what it was. It is really annoying because I can't work on anything or I have to grade everything at the end and it takes so much time especially when I already have my block graded.
Does anyone have a solution to that problem?
Thank you
Hi yolaine
Cutting the pattern does not stack the grade on the cut line...the grading placement stack is maintained.
So the issue above may be caused by a few things.
1 - We do NOT recommend major edits to a pattern after grading. The pattern should be complete and then graded
2 - There are No Grade Points where you are cutting
3- Did you use the Edit Grading Tool to then move the Grade after cutting
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I always grade and make the modifications after and I never had this problem before !
I know that it is not recommended but we are talking about a cut on the waistline and it is easier to do it that way and make some corrections later and it should be that way !
In this matter it changes absolutely everything! If it was just that my grading measurements was deleted, I don't mind (which usually happens) but it completely change the shape and the placement of my dart ! And even by using the edit grading tool, it does not work.
I've been using Clo for years now and I always did it that way and never had any issues of that sort. And I made sure I upload the snapshot of my grading for you to see that every points is graded.
But thank you for your help. I now know that this isn't solvable and will go back to grade every single pattern 🥲
Have a nice day.
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Hi yolaine
It does not mean that it is not solvable. It is just a process for us to start asking questions and making some suggestions.
A few more questions about the pattern. How were the Darts added? Were they drawn manually? Or did you use the Dart tools?
Is there a reason you have so many Grades in the one files. We normally recommend 5-6 Grades per file. So you may have Base Sizes in one file and then your Plus or Petite in another. I count 14 in your image, which may be too many
I also did a very rough test. See below images. (I used the CLO dart functions to add the Darts) Then once I cut the pattern some grade points were a bit off, but I could still use the Edit grading to correct right after. You can see that in the 2nd image
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We recommend testing a bit further, but if you are still stuck and Grading is not working properly when it is applied to all necessary grade points please instead send the Project file directly to us for our tech team to look at closer. HERE
Please be as detailed as possible with steps taken, as well as include the above screenshots for their reference. If the file is too large please use a Wetransfer link