Set the file format as Substance at the right menu of Material, you can use SBSAR file of Substance which is the main application of physical based rendering.
Click a fabric in Fabric tab in Object Browser .
Change the material type to Substance in Property Editor.
Set the Substance properties in Property Editor.
Substance File
Import SBSAR file by clicking 'Explore' or, download SBSAR file by clicking 'Go to Substance Source'.
Choose the preset of SBSAR.
Adjust the image resolution of SBSAR.
Displacement Map / Reflection/ Technical/ Transformation
Displacement Map Properties/ Reflection Intensity/ Technical Properties/ Adjust the size, angle, and position of the map.
Custom Properties
Edit the properties of SBSAR.
📝 Note: Custom Properties are different depending on the property of the file. Refer to the Substance Manual for more detailed information.