CLO 帮助中心
CLO 帮助中心
The mesh will pass through the main garment more easily if the mesh particle distance is large. So to provide a far better surface in CLO3D you can at that stage do a few things to raise performanc...
If you use the keyboard short cut > Number pad [2] > when the 3D window is active the view will return to the front scale view with the garment and you can re-frame your viewpoint.
Any PDF file (no matter how large) can be set to print at smaller sheet size (eg:A4) with registration and numbering sequence. Just change that option in your pdf driver print process. In that man...
2 minute wrap scarf process. to cheat the wrapping process creasing creasing
The common thing all generations now have is the continued act of learning. Whether you are a seasoned pro or learning at university or self taught. That is where we all share common ground.
Pablo it's hard to understand whether you are acting as an agent of CLO3D (in some way representing them formally) or are simply a user of the CLO3D software product interested in tutorials and usi...
6 people is not a market test, it's perhaps a chat in a taxi ... on the way to the main event ... where you will meet the full audience of 20,000 at a show.
For preventing fabric flowing into the avatars belly button - you have two choices. 1) You can open up the base avatar (see in the scene tab) and you will find in some areas it has invisible su...
ikafx - my post it was geared to clarity, so that you don't have to redo anything after you make costly videos (it's Pablo cost after all) by embedding into them things that the parent brand ...
I am making people think so you get to what matters faster rather than not. There is undoubtedly room for more CLO3D tutorials BUT you need to find a niche and format that builds cross over with...