
CLO 帮助中心



  • ottoline

    The technical schematic render is a welcome visualization tool. Absolutely a must have tech pack feature for clarity in the annotation specification work.

  • ottoline

    Nice improvement to the pucker shader setup. Easy to do now only a few minutes work > save custom seam types with pucker > drag and drop > vray render.


    What's good here is how the normal from the fabric is working with the pucker map, so this makes creating these important details lightening fast and accurate.


    (below) The UV baked export with pattern edge/pucker normals and the fabric normal need work in the beta as these blended layers when exporting a baked unified UV normal  map create an odd value of the overlapping maps used with the pucker detailing. Maybe as separate layers instead when exported unless this blending can be corrected with the fabric normal in the normal calculation.
