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Bottom T-Shirt hem


  • danielemanassero

    Try to create a new pieces as a borders e sew the bottoms together and the upper sides of the borders to the internal line of the front and back.
    When you arrange the two borders around the avatar choose  superimpose (under) then simulate.
    I hope it works.
    Best. Daniele

  • vadsura

    You're using the wrong method. It is not necessary to do as in life the hem of the bottom.

    1,You can use the new tool Binding.

    2, Or use a cut-off bottom hem as recommended above


  • obama

    If you decide to make new pieces for the hem, remember to change their particle distance down to 5

  • dutchesse1

    Coolio, thanks everyone for all the awesome feedback ...

    One question though..., I did indeed recently played with the new binding tool and found it super useful and it fixes the 'visual' problem.
    However, as I am expecting to use CLO as a real life pattern creator down the road, how does the 'binding' translate into adequate lenght in a pattern?

    Both the binding method as well as making new pieces create 'layer clone-under or layer clone,one-over' which is not what you would do in real life for a bottom hem. In real life you allow extra fabric at the bottom, fold it over and sew it ... how do I translate that to a pattern so it would reflect in the paper pattern?

    Am I too nit picky? You can get away with 'fake it' techniques in Marvelous Designer but subscribe to CLO3D to produce close to real life sewing techniques.

    Cheers :)

  • danielemanassero

    Hi dutchesse1,
    I understand what you mean.

    What 's easier to fold an hem?

    Seems incredible, but with this software, the real-life easiest things can be very difficult to do.
    I'm a relatively new user, but let me say one thing, it's not so important how you reach the right visual effect you want.
    In real life, we don't sew pieces just pulling them together for example, so how about the seams allowances that fold on one side of the sewing line and create a little increase in the thickness that for sure has an impact on how that sewing line looks like?

    I think this software must be used to virtualize ideas in a way is not possible just with a drawing and help to make better decisions.
    Let me add that from the first time I met Clo3d I saw great improvements in just less two years, so I'm very hopeful for even more improvements in the near future.

    I found this community very useful both to share ideas, ask help or just see what others user think and do with Clo.

    Buon lavoro.

  • obama

    Woah Daniele, very cool to hear your perspective 🤩 Yeah sometimes the little things may not be so worth it to make in clo because you can get away with using a cheat or you know it won't impact the actual garment so much.

    But! Maybe this can solve your problem dutchesse? as someone who sometimes does use my patterns to so in real life, I just add seam allowance using the seam allowance tool. When you save as a PDF or dxf it automatically adds the extra length you need for cutting. and sometimes i also add seam tape to places i think need reinforcement, if i think the seams are stretching too much (i check 2d line length v 3d line length in the property editor) 


    maybe this is helpful? good luck on your sewing!

  • allyshake

    I certainly agree with the sentiments in this thread. There appears to be many creative work arounds to make a garment look how it should in 3D and whilst this is good to visualise a design and make design decisions it doesn't necessarily translate to real world sewing.

    Despite the fact that you can make it 'look right' in 3D, if you can't construct the garment, the 2D pattern is not useable in the real world scenario. This might be OK for 3D digital workflows but not for sewing.

    It appears the Clo team are striving to make the software more closely match real world construction techniques, and this is imperative if Clo is to be much more than its Sister, Marvellous Designer.

    In the example above it should be possible in the SW to turn under the bottom of a T Shirt and hem it with a Cover Seam finish as it would be done in real life, and the 2D patter should reflect this. Similarly, adding the Rib edging to sleeves and neckline should be an inherent capability.

  • vadsura

    The Clo team has already done everything for you, and provided the necessary tools. You just have to learn how to use them correctly. Of course, you can sew as in life. I just wanted to simplify the task and use the trick. Master the functionality of the program. On YouTube there are all the necessary videos.

  • suza

    I don't want to interrupt, but in real-life-sewing you also cannot fold this line either! When the hem in not straight the only way is using a facing :)


  • roseannscrivens

    In order for the professional fashion industry to fully adopt this platform CLO will need to bring things like this up to speed. Workarounds are just not going to cut it for professional use. T-Shirt hems are self finished, the sections that are turned under to create the hem are the seam allowance on the pattern. CLO please figure this out, I love your software and hope to FULLY use it professionally, not just for "presentation".
