Nikolay Edigaryev

  • 총 활동 수 12
  • 내가 팔로우하는 사용자 수 0명
  • 나를 팔로우하는 사용자 수 0명
  • 마지막 활동
  • 투표 수 4
  • 플랜 수 3
  • 회원 가입일


Nikolay Edigaryev의 최근 활동 최근 활동 투표 수
  • >CLO3D makes layout plot files according to the fabric type Sorry, I wasn't reading this carefully enough, this indeed works even with "Nest All Patterns" feature! >Although you can place a 2D patt...

  • >I suppose you could allocate a separate fabric color you won't use in your fabric stack for those pattern pieces and simply drag that material onto those patterns you don't want in the print layou...

  • Agree! It's quite annoying, especially if you consider that a few seconds before that you have to click "LOGIN" button on the login screen (the login and password are already saved, why ask for the...