
CLO ヘルプセンター


Problem with garment collission


  • 正式なコメント
    CLO Designers

    amrit02 Sorry to hear you are having issues. Thanks for reaching out. There are a number of questions that immediately come up;

    • We can view your video if it is on a site like You Tube or Vimeo.
    • Are "the results" the final file?
    • What are the CLO versions in use by you and your freelancer?
    • Can you send a screenshot of your entire workspace with the two windows and Object Browser?
  • amrit02

    https://youtu.be/EnspJOAMzHE this is the video

    The results are the final file 

    CLO Version 6.0.594 (r32990)

    Screenshot is attached below

  • amrit02

  • CLO Designers

    amrit02 Thank you. This information is perfect. Unsure why the animation is behaving differently with the same CLO versions.

    Here are some Tips & Tricks that will help work this out.

  • amrit02

    I have chcked the settings and they are all the same. weirdly , it simulates fine in pose mode, but NOT in joint motion mode 

  • CLO Designers

    amrit02 Most importantly, did you check the details of the fabric in the Physical Properties. If you adjust the Stretch and Bending properties this usually helps.

  • amrit02

  • amrit02

    These are my settings , the stretch and bend properties have already been way above the original file 
    Also im simulating in Normal instead of fitting accurate fabric , does that differ? 

  • CLO Designers

    amrit02 I see you have applied Substance Textures to the fabrics. You need assign an actual Physical Property Preset to the fabric. The settings appear to be those of the Default Fabric; you would not want to use that for Animation.


  • amrit02



    You can see that it's set to Cotton twill here, which back again i would like to simplify . This is a project file which I have acquired from another designer . It renders fine in their end , but in mine it doesnt . Absolutely no changes were made to the file in any way.


    I would appreciate if you could kindly have a look at the actual project file to see where things may have gone wrong ? ?

  • CLO Designers

    amrit02 If you want to share the file, send it through our Contahttps://www.clo3d.com/contact ct Page. Also send a link to this discussion so our tech team can reference all this information.

  • amrit02

    Have sent an email but no reply yet . Its been almost 2 days . 

  • amrit02

    Is there any solution to this problem ? There has been no reply or substantial help from the CLO Team

  • CLO Designers

    amrit02 This issue has been escalated to our Tech Support team and they are looking for a solution.
