
CLO ヘルプセンター



  • CLO Designers

    Hi sudolisa,

    Would you want to place the graphic on top of the lace fabric in UV Editor mode?

    Wondering this graphic is added as "Graphic" or added in "Fabric's Texture Editor"?

    If it is a graphic, please try to increase its Z-Offset.

  • sudolisa

    Yes, I added graphic on top of lace, Z-offset did not work. But I found when I merged ground white solid and Lace in one texture, graphic shows on top of lace.

    I guess, lace layer is higher than ground fabric, and graphic sit on the ground fabric, so lace take higher placement.   Is there a way graphic can be applied on top of lace layer as below? (Not texture editor work, want graphic application).


  • CLO Designers


    We apologize for the delayed answer. Have you tried to update CLO? We have checked it in CLO 6.2.260 and our graphic is on top of the print in the UV Editor. This could be a bug that is fixed in the latest version. Please update CLO and try it on a new file. 

    Kindest regards, CLO

