
CLO ヘルプセンター


CLO3D beta test 6.0 (Object browser)


  • ottoline


    I had to completely sanitize my computer install of CLO3D beta, erasing the user CLO3D folder, purge all of the beta application references in my OS, full clean of the registry ref: CLO3D, all old historic library files deleted, and then run a full install to a new location. I did note there was one folder that was trouble to dump that had some python files in, my task manager was saying this was still running via the CLO3D folder and it could not be uninstalled ? I rebooted used a cleanup tool to shut down whatever  was running in the background as a service and I finally were able to erase those lingering files. 1st time I have ever had that issue.

    I then ran a fresh install, including the entire library being downloaded again (I deleted the previous library to get rid of any bad startup project default files)  - and eventually got the beta running again. This time I will make a copy of the default project startup files and save them to another location just in case these were causing the default window issue when I changed my interface layout. Note: the interface reset would not work in any of the menus or from the user settings - it was as if it was totally disconnected from working at any level ?

    Moral of the story - DO NOT shut down the object browser or property editor from the interface on the beta > someone needs to place a klaxon on that feature for now.

  • arhimed

    No problems. All windows can be turned off and on for me without errors. Everything is working. Windows can be minimized (hidden). And you can completely turn it off. In the off state, they cannot be expanded (shown).
    First you need to enable them. It turns on here in the menu:
    I actually turned off, closed the program, reopened the program and turned on all windows without any problems.

  • ottoline

    Thanks Arhimed,  yes I gave that a try after it happened > and certainly anyone else with the issue should do that and hopefully that also works for them > Unfortunately that didn't work for me, nor did restoring my default CLO3D startup project or hitting the restore to defaults in settings - not sure why ...  > CLO3D support have been in contact they will make a patch to fix it for the next update.  So all good.


    Thanks for the update.

  • ottoline

    Great it's been fixed in the latest update, impressive additions in the PBR fabric material options. Nice.


    Next the fabric SBAR texture tile seams needs to be addressed.

    whoops > on the texture tiling will have to add in a tile pitch option to the master node graph.


    Hmmm... has the development team seen this recent algorithm advancement for cloth collision 30 X faster cloth simulation with no poke through ... read the paper.
