Creating not ordinary pleats
Dear CLO3D Team, thanks a lot for such an interesting product. I'm using a tryal now and would like to give you a small proposal. As I just adore pleats and all types of Plisse, I'd like to make such a pleats (look foto, the blue pleated skirt, at the right hand). But I just could't find the way to pleat the detail/skirt in such a beautiful way. Is there any way to make such a pleats in CLO? Or , maybe, U can include such a pleating tool in the next version/update of CLO? It would be great. Waiting a lot:)
Welcome to the community Julia. There is a pleating tool already included in CLO. To make something as silky looking like those images you'd need to use some other more advanced techniques, but it is totally possible.
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Hello, Pablo. Thanks for your answer. I ment not the silky-looking material of the skirt, but the way that blue skirt was pleated. In the middle of the skirt lenth, each pleat is devided into two complicated-pleated parts. That's what I ment:) Is it possible to make with any CLO tools?
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Hi, joker4u, yes it's possible to do do what you are asking for.
You have to draw the internal lines for each motif and give them the correct fold angle, 0° for the outside crest, 360° for the inside.
I did something similar at the light blue skirt in your pics
If you want to have a look at it in my portfolio
Use the strengthen tool when simulating pleats help the folding process.
The fold angles can be changed to smooth the final result if needed.
All the workflow needs time and patience.I hope this helps you.
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Hi, Danielle. Thanks a lot for help, it was very useful!
I've tried to do my plisse on the small sample, looking like skirt front pattern. As for me, it takes too long to draw all the internal lines in CLO. Seems to me, it would be easier and more accurate to do all the preparing work in PGS (I'm working in Lectra/Investronica CAD) and only then simulate in CLO. The way of making clothes with plisse is extremely cool! I liked it a lot (I'm a plisse fan:))))))
P/S: Your portfolio is very good! U're a fast-learner! My respects!
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Thanks, joker4u I'm happy you found my advice useful.
A last one. A lot of internal lines can slow down not just the simulation but every action in 2d and 3d windows. Keep it in mind.
PS Plissè is an amazing art. I took inspiration from a YT video about Gerard Lognon, plisseur in Paris.
Have a nice week.
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Hi, Daniele. Thanks a lot for reminding Gerard Lognon.
I was shoked about that beautiful pleating work they do at atelier. I'm impressed. Want to try some complecated samples- it's just very interesting!!
Have a nice and not boring week.
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HI Daniele,
How did you make the zig zag plissé? I try to make a plissé with all diferent zig zag lines; How would you do this? Beautifull dresses in your portfolio!
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Thanks nathalie17 , I just draw the internal lines them I gave to them the fold angle. You can regulate the fold strenght to a value that give you the desired effect
You have to think how the plissé is made in real life.To speed up the process create a module of the plisse then duplìcate the pattern and unfold it on the side the module reflect itself. maybe you have to draw the internal line where the pattern has been unfold.
I don't have the plisse project in this computer. I promise you tomorrow I'll post here a pictures of the pattern.
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That would be great Daniele! Thanks a lot
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That would be great Daniele! Thanks a lot
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Here the image of the internal lines. All have a fold strength of 100%, fold angle: red 0° blue/green 360°
Tip, the vertical lines must be drawn one by one separately, this is important. If you draw an internal line and then subdivide it into segments both using the split tool or add point to intersection you won't be able to give to them different fold angle value even if you can select the segments separately. Is like Clo still recognizes them as one line
Keep this in mind.