
CLO ヘルプセンター


Can't save recorded video


  • pabloquintana

    Differ, can you try saving the individual rendered images and then use something like Premiere Pro or Blender's VSE to create a video with much more control?

  • differ

    Yes, but I don't want to use third party programs every time. I'd like to find a reason and solve it :)

    Thank you

  • maggiemattioni

    Hi, did you find a solution for this? I have the same problem. 

  • pabloquintana

    Yes, nothing to do about it for now. This is the formal reply from CLO support (edited):

    Hello Pablo,

    I am Jim from CLO tech support, and I will answer on her behalf.

    This is known issue since the macOS Mojave 10.14., it's due to Apple's new macOS policy.

    Current workaround for this is as follows:

    • Using Windows-CLO (Largarith or xvid codec required)
    • Using CLO 5.0 + macOS Mojave 10.14 or macOS High Sierra 10.13

    As you can see, in the latest macOS and latest CLO versions, it is not possible to save video files in CLO. For example, saving turntable-image and/or animated-image should work, but the saving as 'video file' will show only the black screen.

    CLO developers are already aware of this and are trying to fix it, but it is unclear when it will improve.

  • nekrasova

    Такая же проблема. Мой компьютер ни как не связан с Apple, но не сохраняет. 

  • maggiemattioni

    It would be nice to get this issue fixed as I don't want to download third party programs to my Mac. 

  • kilimbari

    I have the same problem, i can't saved animation because after recording, the preview window is black and time line is on 0. But the bottom "SAVE" is doesn't work

    This is the anser of support.


    Sorry for any inconvenience.

    You have a Windows PC, Xvid, and Lagarith video codec, so this feature should work.

    We'll re-examine and inform you of any issues we didn't know about in the latest version 5.2.172.


    CLO Tech Support

  • filipvaculick

    Hello everyone,

    does anyone have any news? I also have the same problem (with windows PC, not mac) and I really need to solve this asap. How do I contact CLO Tech Support directly? Thank you all!


  • blancabad


    I have this warning when i want to do a video capture, anyone finally knows how to solve this?

  • maggiemattioni

    Hi blancabad this is the warning I used to have - are you using a Mac? I downloaded a free converted to get around this problem - it's a long way round but I feel like it's the only way. Hope you get it solved.


  • bmutunda

    Hi maggiemattioni what converter did you download ? I am unable to save my animations on my Macbook pro as Clo keeps telling me I need to install either Lagarith or Xvid but those two programs aren't compatible with Mac. So I don't know what to do :( 

  • maggiemattioni

    Hi bmutunda I downloaded a free WMV AVI converter - save your files from CLO then take in here and convert to MP4. I have now given up the challenge of trying to use a Mac and ordered myself a PC for 3D.. I hope this works for you. 

  • prokopchenko

    Hi! I've got a similar problem on Windows 10 with Xvid installed. Just black preview window  (Tried to reinstall clo3d and Xvid - doesn't help).

  • CLO Designers

    Hey prokopchenko,

    Apologies for the delay in response. As of Dec 28, you can save as mp4 on Windows. If you haven't already, I would suggest trying the new version to see if you still experience the same issue.
