Clo smoothing algorithm problems for Trims
Hi guys,
I did some experiments and what I found out is that Clor has a very wierd smoothing algorythm:
1.I make perfect beveled complex shape export it as OBJ and import it as a trim ( no hard edge) ..if you export that as normal quads from 3ds max lets say ( quads) the top triangular or more than quads polygons ( though in a perfect planar plane ) will get distroyed and look destroyed..
2.If you do triangulate them in the export they will look fine
3.If you export as FBX they will be fine
4.If you decide to export as OBJ from CLO same trim that looks fine in CL0 and import it again it will exhibit some broken edges normals
5...and i goes on please can anyone explain what is that strange algorythm they use that cause so many bugs....
Here you can see it , clearly, a few perfect cubes with different level of chamfer exhibiting the same braking pattern of the smoothing groups in CLO