CLO Centro de Ayuda
CLO Centro de Ayuda
jogemg hizo un comentario,
At the moment the only way I see is a work around, were I delete everything except the fabric garment pieces that are the same type, and export them as AMMA/DXF But then I get at very wide export w...
jogemg creó una publicación,
Many times now I have searched the opportunity to export direct from snapshot. The problem is I have 5 different fabric types and widths. When I export dxf I get all my different garments gathered ...
jogemg hizo un comentario,
Hi CLO Designers My issue is not resolved by this. I still need the 3Dconnection in the scroll down menu. How do you suggest I choose without it?
jogemg creó una publicación,
It is crucial that this feature gets implemented. It would be a healthy collaboration with the Spacemouse company, and giant leap for the software, and mankind. Im jumping back anf forth between So...
jogemg hizo un comentario,
THIS IS CRITICAL!!!It is still very relevant. Add me as well, this would catapult my design process foreward like anything you've ever seen.