Browse archived community posts from 2024 and prior.

Which Fashion retailers/ suppliers in the UK are using CLO 3D?
Negative/open Space on Patterns
Patternpiece in 3D window differs from the Patternpiece in the 2D window.
Sewing indicators
Failed to Cut some Patterns. Pattern outlines and/or holes are intersecting.
Points not meeting/ not straight
Problem with layer clone(under)/(over)
Rescale Pattern
Export OBJ with Metal Skin?
.aama or .mdl file required by manufacturer
More than one GPU
Bezier Curve Points and Curve Points
Export all Colorways as OBJ over Python API
help with knitwear
Video format
Advanced OBJ Trim Options
Need help with Choosing Specs cause the recommendations are not enough information
setting Points in the 2D window
Aligned to grainline
Export as OBJ problem, garment merged with avatar
Equivalent to "Group" objects
Leggings keep falling down
render texture on back of my fabric
Couldn't complete installation "Error opening file for writing:"
how to get smooth edges in curves?
CLO to make Rugs
can i use clo software in different systems with one license
scaling in clo
Modular Template Presets