Browse archived community posts from 2024 and prior.

Student Discount
.pac file specification
How to Plot/Export patterns to a particular pattern size?
How to 'load morph as a target' through python script ?
How can I make a hem on the straps of my jersey?
Garment passed through each other
Problems when some parts of the suit are sewn
What to do with shrinkage
Version5 Webinar Gone
How to generate hundreds/thousands images
How can i add new pullers ?
How Saving Fabric Details to 2D Snapshot?
Getting started on Mac
How to create physical property for flannel fabric ?
Garments sticking together and not overlapping
Looking for a private tutor in CLO 3d.
3D pen (avatar) not saving to project?
CLO Marketplace Avatars
CLO 5.0 VER MOTION 파일 위치 문의
Default Fabric
Binding inside of a t-shirt
Problems with the FEM_GPU SImulation Method
DXF export issues
기존 패턴 실에서 받은 dxf 파일을
Pan doest work on 2D, anybody having the same issue?
Multiview Snapshot - Not centered
Is there a fabric yardage area calculator?
Property editor not displaying any info on seam allowance & pattern symbol
Seeking freelancer for garment modeling