Browse archived community posts from 2024 and prior.

Buttons not closing properly
CLO Fabric Kit
Seeking Expertise: Replicating Crease Folds in a K-Way Windbreaker Render
Lier les contours du patron (Liens)
FBX animation export not working correctly
File Sice
file size level upon deleting the added project
Bodybuilder Avatars
Hair layer
zipper not closings properly
MDD exports format
chapeau de pince
Waist measure different on 2d from 3d
help with spot on back yoke
Fabric Trembles
clo set connect 에서 다운받은 신발이 렌더시 흰색으로 보임
Garment Instability
When I turn to Hi-Res my garment is getting messed up
exporting trim animation
Glitter not showing up on certain parts during rendering
Rendering initializes the fabric.
Feathers in CLO3D
Can't import any FBX files
Upload at Mixamo Error
악세사리 등록
3-D Avartar Pen and Flattening
Rendering not working
Rendering not working
Aesthetic pleats design on a jacket