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Interactive Render Navigation problem, version 6.1


  • falmouth

    I noticed this the other day and thought I had clicked some secret shortcut by accident.  I’d prefer the old navigation too please. 


  • joneienleah

    I am having the same issues only worse. No images are showing in the interactive render window. I also see that my GPU isn't running even though I have GPU rendering selected. When I stop the render preview, if I try to close the file or switch screens it says I need to turn render off even though I already did. This has just happened with the latest version of 6.1, I didn't have issues with rendering before.

    I also noticed the toolbar in render window was on the right with no options to move back to the top or left if that is your preference.

    This is something that needs an urgent fix as my work depends on being able to render in CLO. Thanks.

  • CLO Designers

    Hi annash falmouth joneienleah

    For the render tools we are looking to add an option to move them Setting in a future update.

    The developers chose to change the render navigation. But we are looking into adding setting options there as well in a future update 

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