file size level upon deleting the added project
Hi ,
I have a issue on file size , I added a project (Add Project-CTRL+SHIFT+O) and after a few work done, i deleted the content (3d shapes and 2 pattern) of the added project . but file size is increased . logically the file size should be the level which it was before adding the project .
i want to reduce the file size for the content which i am deleting ? how can i do it
Hi sanjaysuresh,
Thank you for sharing your questions, let me clarify, there might be increase file size even you have deleted the content of the zprj is beacuse of 3D state is also recorded & updated in the time when you change the content, so that you can keep track of your workflow with the History window and revert to previous points at any given time.
You can check this under the "History" window :
In most cases we won't suggest to delete content/3D state to reduce file size, rather it would be more effective to minimize the texture image file size in the zprj.
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One of your service agent figured out the issue , it is due the duplication of hidden avatars multiple time when we add projects .
same resolved :)
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Got the same issue here
And how can one delete invisible avatars?
My 3d state also looks insanely long, because I took in some of my other styles for comparing reasons in the process of creating a new pattern, etc.
That seems to make the new zprj file unreasonable heavy.
Please advice.
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Hi kuoture,
Since you mention 3D states, this is the most likely cause of the high file size. Every time a 3D state is saved, it is basically like multiple projects within one project file. To reduce file size, you will have to delete out 3d states.
This is an old thread showing an old problem. When adding projects into another project, the window not asks whether to import avatars. They were probably not added into your scene. Either way, you can find all avatars by turning on their visibility (Shift + A will makes them all invisible, and if you use the same shortcut again, all of them should appear, even if previously hidden) or check the Scene tab in the Object Browser for 3D forms:
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2 years ago a recommended to not delete 3D states. Does that differ now?
Yes, as far as I remember, I never added the old avatars. And there seam to be not hidden ones in my case. (I checked)
So what is the correct procedure to delete older 3D states without damaging the final result?
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Hi kuoture,
Is your question related to the same project file mentioned in your other thread a or a separate one? As stated there, all is just a guess without seeing the file in question. Deleting 3D states should not -damage- files, btw, where have you seen this info?
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Hi kuoture
For 3D states it is like having an entire new file as part of the existing file. We recommend no more than 3 or 4 saved 3D states in 1 file. If you plan to have more than that it is better to do a File > Save As and then label version 1, 2, 3, etc as to not create a file that is too heavy
If you delete the older 3D states your current state will remain the same. But you can always save a back up if you are worried.