Projects dissapeared
Dear Sir or Madame, I was in the middle of my work, wanted to start an animation and then my project just disappeared. When I wanted to open my last saved version I found all of my projects from last few weeks were gone. I am not able to find them anywhere. Can you help? My best regards, L.
Hi designbylucie,
Thanks for your question.
When your project crashes, the only way to proceed with your file is to open your autosave file when you start CLO again. A popup window will ask you if you would like to recover your file; if you choose "no," the autosave file before the last one will be available.
Your last autosave location file you can find here:
Thanks and regards,
CLO Team
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Why not have access to autosaves in the file menu? Seems like a simple and standard practice that is useful.
This morning I was working on a file when CLO crashed. I opened the recovery file on program boot. The autosave was from at least 30 minutes prior.
I proceeded to open my original file since I have autosave set to every five minutes and figured it would have more recent history than the recovery file.
Turns out that opened my document at it's original state from when I started working this morning (about two hours ago).
I proceeded to try and open the autosave since it at least had some of the work I completed this morning... only to find out that the autosave/recovery file is completely gone. Does CLO delete an `autosave` upon opening or closing the file?
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Hi imstephenjones,
The autosave file is the recovery file, CLO doesn't overwrite the user's existing files with them. When CLO asks to open an autosave file after a crash and the user negates this, the autosave file is deleted, yes. It is safest practice to let the autosave file open and check it.
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I'm suggesting that CLO store autosave *.zprj files for each project for longer than a single open event. Take Blender, for example. They store autosave files to a temp folder. I have access to these *.blend files for days. Opening the autosave does not cause a delete event of that file. I can open a different project, close the program, reboot my computer, and the autosave file is still in place. This is not the case with CLO and autosave *.zprj files.
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Hi imstephenjones,
Got it, we will add your suggestion as a request!
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I second stephen jones suggestion. I've just lost a bunch of work because I clicked on the fitting suit while in the avatar editor which apparently meant that my project needed to be saved which I didn't understand and just ignored the do you want to save file pop up. My work then disappeared and so I closed clo hoping that when I reopened it the do you want to recover autosave file would appear. I knew that it might not so went looking for the autosave file from clo assets folder where i couldn't find it. When I reopened clo I was not greeted with the recover autosave file popup and so I've lost all my work.
Please could we have an improvement on the autosave file feature and where we could access it for at least a day after. As I'm sure you can understand its so frustrating to lose your work like that especially since clo is autosaving the file every ten minutes which always lags the program for like 5 seconds.
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Hi alex020799, noted and relayed to developers.
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Thank you, I appreciate it.
I had another suggestion of creating the option to let the autosave overwrite the existing file. Personally I'd prefer to have it work this way, so perhaps having both options available would be a useful new feature as well.