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CLO Centro de Ayuda

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Chatbot CLO


  • CLO Designers

    Hi evan1151, the regular library and the modular library are separate. This is why you don't see the assets from the library anymore. To reset the library non-beta. hit the key "Y" on your keyboard. This will make the beta library pop up again. Afterwards, click this icon:

  • evan1151

    It worked, thanks!

  • katlynyee

    Hi there, this was very helpful as I had no Idea what happen to my avatars.

    Is there a way to not make the new modular library not  pop out as a new window and be visible in the actual modular tab located within the program to avoid pressing "y"? 

  • US Designer Support


    Thanks for your post. 

    new community forum has been launched. Since the current community forum has ended (only available for checking the archived posts), we recommend posting in the new community where external users or internal members will reply to your question.

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