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Applying New Changes to all Graded sizes- post grading


  • pabloquintana

    Trademark, I generally don't do gradings in CLO, but the grading is done based on one of the sizes, thus is relative. If you move points on your base size (or any size for that matter) the other graded sizes must follow.

  • pabloquintana

    That is why I'm using other software for grading. CLO's algorithms need some fine tuning still. They are getting better with each release though.

  • hanachiang

    Hi Pablo, 

    Do you have a recommendation of a grading software that works with CLO but not too expensive for individual use?

    Much appreciated.

  • pabloquintana

    I use

    Check it out.

  • hanachiang

    Thank you! Will do. :)

  • ottoline

    hanachiang - you can do the grading completely in CLO3D, you can also use grade table rules which is common practice, and all grade points will follow these basic points that you typically outline and use for any base size block pattern.


    I think where people fall down with grading in CLO3D is that they don't set their grade tables up relative to baseline blocks, or break the size to pattern spread down on paper (eg: plus size may require a technical pattern draft change and not just a grade change) and maybe have no commercial production knowledge of what these pattern shapes should look like when grading across a commercial size demographic (range) or specific garment category clothing type. Other than experience,  and moving non grade points so they sit cleanly is relatively simple in CLO3D. No reason why you cannot simply do it all in CLO3D, as it kind of defeats the purpose of using CLO3D for digital sample making if you have to keep jumping back outside to achieve that for passing on the digital sample technical documents + patterns - when of course it's not really needed, just keep it inside CLO3D and get to know the program well. The power of digital design comes from sticking in one system where you can, through sample making to technical specification, and not jumping outside, until passing on the pre-production pack with data exchange, then you are not encumbered with lock in to external or managing yet another system - you are free to work unhindered from front end bottlenecks. Stick to staying inside CLO3D would be my recommendation and work out the workflow issues so you are not reliant on a front end system that really is not needed for sampling.

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